Chapter 8

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Getting ready for school the next morning was crazy. Rea and Luna kept hogging the upstairs bathroom and Lewis was already ready, yelling for us to hurry up. The bathroom downstairs only had one mirror so it was difficult for Jade and I to share. It was just really hectic, but also kind of fun. With me being an only child, I never really have to share anything but today it felt like I finally had siblings.

When we got to school, we kind of split up. One reason is we have different first periods. Another reason is Luna and Rea have boyfriends. "Good morning, Charlotte." I jump at the sudden voice behind me. Then he starts laughing. I turn around, shaking my head.

"You're only doing this because you like to see me jump." I mumble. "What do you want?"

"Can't I just say good morning?" Aidan asks, smiling at me.

"...I guess, but no one just 'comes to say good morning'." I turn back around to my locker and grab my binder.

"Well, I did and to ask you out." I abruptly turn around, slamming my binder into his chest on accident and then it ends up on the floor. He chuckles and picks it up.

"You...what?" I ask, my eyes wide and mouth hanging open a bit. He hands me back my binder and I grab it, hugging it to my chest.

"Will you go out with me on Wednesday after school? We don't have school the next day so we shouldn't have homework or a 'bed time'."

"We won't have school on Thursday?" He smirks at my confusion.

"Christmas break."

"Really?" He nods.

"So...Will you?"

"But, when we out on the...double date with Rea and Dylan, you said you wouldn't have agreed to going if you would've known it was me..." He sighs and hangs his head.

"I did say that, didn't I?" I nod and he looks back at me, smiling. "Charlotte, I apologize for saying that. I...I was nervous. I don't go on dates." His smile disappears but mine appears.

"One night stands?" I meant it as a joke but he looks away as if he doesn't want to admit it. "You use women?"

"Not anymore. Not for quite a while." I take a deep breath and turn away from him.

"How long is quite a while?"

"About a year. Anna was the reason I stopped doing it. She started getting older and I don't want boys to treat her the way I treated girls. I don't want her thinking it's okay because it's not." The bell rings, signaling class is about to start. I go to class with Aidan some where behind me. I should've known he was like that. But why does my heart still want to give him a chance?

He sits down next to me just as the bell rings. "Please. Let me take you out. Give me a chance." I ignore his pleading, listening to the teacher. He sends me pleading looks and pleads every chance he gets throughout the day.

At the end of the school day, as I'm about to walk out of the school, I'm pulled into an empty classroom. I look behind me to see Aidan, holding my arm to keep me from leaving. "What?" I ask.

"Please! I really want to take you out! Just give me a chance! I promise you won't regret it!"

"You can't promise something like that. You don't know that."

"I promise to try to make you not regret it?" I stare into his eyes, trying to find any sense that he's lying. But there's nothing.

"...Okay. Fine. I'll go."

"Really?" I nod and he smiles. Very widely.

"I have to go home now. See you later." I start to walk out of the classroom but he stops me.

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