Chapter One

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A/N :- Again would love some feedback guys, I don't like asking all the time but needing to know if I should continue writing or not.


 Chapter One

An hour later, and I had only just reached the women's shower. After being crushed by my team mates on the field, I had been mobbed by the rest of the school off the field. My back was aching after all the claps, and slaps, I'd received from the student body, and my ears were ringing from all the cheering and screaming.

I pushed open the worn, off-white door, and was greeted by the overpowering smells of perfume, make-up and hair spray, as the rest of the girls on the team finished getting ready for what I'm sure was going to be an exceeding loud and long celebratory after party.

I tried to walk through unnoticed but was suddenly pounced on by Anna, my best friend and fellow team mate.

"Roxy!! Hurry up and shower you're going to be late for the party," she squealed in my ear, jumping up and down, clapping her hands like a demented seal. I placed my hands on her small shoulders, she was only around five and a half foot, and forced her to stop bouncing around. I looked her seriously in the eyes.

"Anna, you know I can't come. It's Wednesday night, and you know I have my night classes then," I told her quietly. I peered around, hoping that no-one else heard me, I was in luck as they all seemed to be wrapped up in the finishing touches of getting ready for the party.

Anna dropped her bottom lip and looked up at me with her puppy dog face, begging me with her chestnut brown eyes to go with her.

"Anna Rae, you know that shit doesn't work with me so cut it out right now" I hissed at her with a slight half smile on my soft pink lips. She immediately dropped the look and let out a frustrated growl in my direction before muttering, "Bitch," under her breath.

I laughed at her.

"You know it girl," I responded while grabbing my shower supplies and moving away from her. She glanced up at me with an evil smirk on her face.

"Well, I'm going, and I'm going to tell you all about it tomorrow," I groaned when she stated this. "Repeatedly," she added on and I rolled my eyes at her, nodded my head in agreement and headed off to take a shower.

When I made my way out of the shower, and had finished getting dressed, I realised I was the only one left in the room. It was so quiet I just stood still for a moment, letting the silence wash over me after such a hectic day.

I quickly brushed my long black hair and threw it up into a pony tail as I headed out the door. I grabbing my sports bag on the way past and pulled out a red ribbon, tying it into my hair. I started my walk home thinking about nothing and everything.

When I was about ten minutes from home, I heard a muffled shout coming from the childrens park across the road. Worried about the safety of an innocent little child I silently dropped my bag on the path and jogged over to check it out. The closer I got the more voices I could hear. The various owner's of the voices appeared to be having a whispered argument inside one of the pieces of play equipment. I listened intently for a moment and relaxed when I recognised the voices, determining that there was no child in need of help. I began to spin back towards my bag when I heard my name being whispered. I decided to stay and listen, gotta love sensitive hearing, I thought as I crouched down behind a nearby bush and focused on the argument.

"We can't let him tell her," I knew that voice. It belonged to Baydon Tallon, the son of our packs Beta and the next in line for the position.

"I don't understand why we can't just let him tell her. It's not as though Roxy is some stupid, weak whore like some of the other femme wolves around here," I heard Jeremy Black, another member of my pack, reply. I smiled slightly to myself at the compliments, well that's how I was going to interpret them anyway, before frowning and wondering why they were talking about me. It had to be me as there was no other Roxy in our pack.

"Yeah, we don't understand either," chorused twins, Jordan and Frankie Eames, also pack members. Ok, I thought to myself, the whole gang is under there arguing about something. Sure I hadn't heard Blaze Aston's voice yet, but those guys were worse than some girls. The way they were always together was almost creepy. I mentally slapped myself and forced my mind to focus in on the argument again.

"Because", Baydon sighed, "if Blaze tells Roxy they are mates, she will be the next Luna when Blaze takes over as Alpha. If the other packs see the way she behaves, we will be questioned on our reputation and the safety of the pack could be in danger. I'm also worried about a riot within our own pack if enough people decide to take action against her. As future Beta, I need to have clear judgement in matters that will the cloud the future Alpha's mind. This is a big arse cloud," he finished off.

I threw my hands over my mouth to stifle any noise I might make at this recent information.

"We have two more days to try and convince him not to tell her before it may be too late," Baydon added on. I couldn't stay here and listen to anymore, so I tiptoed over to my bag, grabbed it and finished my journey home, tears sliding down my cheeks.

I wasn't crying at the thought that this group of boys were trying to keep my mate and I apart, as I hadn't started to feel the bond yet. I was crying at the thought of my pack possibly being in danger because of me. I wouldn't be able to bear it if any of my extended family got hurt, or worse, because of a reason I could have prevented.

You see, in our way of life, the Luna of a pack is supposed to represent the qualities of the phenomenal Moon Goddess, our creator and keeper in the heavens. They are supposed to be utterly beautiful, smart, caring, soft and loving, feminine and portrayed as fragile objects. Luna's are also extremely strong, forceful and dominating when they need to be, but because the Moon Goddess is seen as mainly beautiful and feminine. Legends have told that any Luna who does not possess all of the qualities is an imposter and, in fact, weakens the Alpha by draining his strength, therefore, endangering the pack members.

I knew I didn't possess all of these qualities and if what the boys said was indeed true and I was the future Alpha's mate that could only cause enormous problems for the people I cared about most.

On the spot, I made my decision. My bond with Blaze wouldn't start until my sixteenth birthday and even then it would only start if Blaze did something to start the process. I took a deep breath as I spotted my house and quickly headed towards it. However, before entering, I glanced up to the moon shining above me and muttered under my breath.

"Please forgive me, Goddess, but I must do this to save the ones I love," I let out a soft sigh.

"I must reject the soon-to-be Alpha, my mate. I have to reject Blaze."

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