Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

Anna's POV.

As I watched Roxy sleep, I noticed she was unnaturally still, even for a sleeping person. I poked her.


I slapped her.


I forced Frankie to pick her up and drop her back on the bed.

Still nothing!!

I could feel the anxiety creep up on me before it detonated into a full blown panic. Frankie grabbed my hand when he picked up on my panic, and rubbed soothing circles across my palm. It wasn't effective.

"Something is wrong Frankie. Seriously wrong," I turned hysterical, "Why wont she move? Why isn't she waking up? I promised I would be there for her, but I can't help her like this. I can't wake her up," I felt tears begin to drip down my face, "Wake up Roxy! Let me help you, you bitch, you promised you would let me help you. NOW WAKE THE FUCK UP," I screamed at her. I couldn't understand what was happening. I just knew she needed help, and I couldn't help her, and I refused to lose my best friend.

"I'll go find the Doctor, I'm sure he is here, the rest of the pack is". Frankie headed out the door, on his way to get Dr Lachlan.

Even though he hadn't been gone more than thirty seconds, I was angry he was taking so long. I flung Roxy's lamp at the wall in frustration, shattering it into hundreds of pieces. I can't lose her, she has always been there for me. She was there when my little sister was born and then again when she died, when my dog ran away, when my cat ate my goldfish and when I found Frankie. The happiest and saddest moments of my life all involved her somehow.

I was snapped from my thoughts when I heard Frankie and Dr Lachlan enter the room. I moved away from Rox and let the Dr check her over, as I waited impatiently for his diagnosis.

"What happened before this?" Dr LAchlan asked, as he looked between Frankie and I. I let Frankie explain, and watched as the doctor's face turned from worry, to pity, to shock and to complete horror by the end of the explanation.

"And you're sure Blaze touched her?" He pushed us. We both confirmed his question by nodding vigorously.

"What's wrong with her, will she be ok?". I needed to know what was happening.

"If what you say is correct, and I believe it is, Blaze's touch started the bond for Roxanne. Roxanne rejecting Blaze after this has resulted in her wolf giving up - wolves cannot live without their mate for long once they find them, with the exception of those with Alpha blood. Roxanne's wolf has taken control of her body, starting to shut down her organs until she either accepts her mate or her body shuts down permanently. This is just a stage, and she will wake up in about a day or two - but this will occur more often the closer she comes to the end of her struggle," Dr Lachlan looked so pained to be saying this, it sounded horrible.

I broke down in tears. I heard Frankie ask if there was anything we could do, and I looked up in hope only to see the doctor shake his head sadly.

"She has to do this on her own, the only way is for her to accept Blaze and be marked. I'll go down and let her family know what is happening. I'm sure they will be up here soon to see her," he took one last look at Roxy before heading downstairs to inform her family.

I slumped into Frankie's arms, seeking warmth and comfort. It's been such an emotional day and to top it off I've just been told that my best friend is indirectly killing herself.

Frankie moved us to sit on the edge of Roxy's bed. I snuggled into him, I was not moving until she woke up and no-one was going to make me. I was going to slap her, make her see reason, and then force her to go over and throw herself at Blaze. She will not die on my watch.


Again would love some comments guys. How I am supposed to know if your enjoying the story  if you don't give me your opinion. If I'm losing your interest, let me know what I can do to pick it up again.

Until next chapter......... Happy Reading



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