Chapter Thirty - Three

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For weeks we had been mulling over the revelation I had received. The Elders had been notified of all the information we had obtained about it so far, but they weren't able to shed any light on it either. According to them, it didn't relate to any previous revelations that they were aware of so they had no idea, and here I thought The Elders were supposed to be all knowing and wise. Pffffft, what a load of shit if I've ever heard one.

Emily, Mum, Dad and I had all been working closely together to figure it out. A few things seemed clear but others were just completely baffling. With all the time spent trying to decipher the hidden message I'd had virtually no time for the promiscuous lifestyle I had recently become accustomed too. Surprising though, it didn't really bother me. Emily had been teaching me some of the ways she uses to decipher revelations and I was so intrigued, I had thrown myself into it whole-heartedly.

My wolf was more relaxed around her now, no longer thinking she had come here to force her way into my life to become my mate. After a couple of tense weeks working together she had come to see me one afternoon in my room. Emily had sat me down and explained to me all about her mate and how he had died. At first she hadn't wanted to come here, to be forced into a mating with someone she didn't know, but her father had promised her that if she got to know me and still didn't like me, then he would stop the mating from proceeding. It was in this discussion that she revealed that, so far, she didn't like me one bit. A gutsy admission I had to admit, but it gave me a much needed wake-up call. No-one likes to be told there is nothing like-able about them, so in a split second decision I had asked her if we could start over and get to know each other properly, to which she hesitantly agreed.

That little talk had erased a lot of tension in the pack that I wasn't even aware of. All this took place three weeks ago and it had been smooth sailing since.

A jolt on the lounge I was sitting on broke me from my thoughts, 'girlie thoughts,' taunted my wolf. With a quick 'shut up' in response I looked to my left to see who was interrupting my unusual reminiscing time.

"Whatcha watchin'?" Emily asked while shoving half a cupcake into her mouth. She was real classy like that. Don't get me wrong, I think it is great that she is comfortable enough around me to completely be herself. She has such a wacky side to her personality, there is almost never a dull moment with her around and I was quickly learning how great it was to have her as a friend.

"Why are you watching Dora the Explorer?" I had completely spaced out and forgotten to answer her question.

"I'm not. I'm watching Buffy the vampire slayer. She kicks arse and has great boobs."

"No, that finished half an hour ago. You're watching Dora. You space out waaaayy too much," she giggled.

"Shut up, what are you eating anyways? It looks disgusting." Best defence is offence, although when she opened her mouth as wide as she could to show me the mooshed up mess in there I really regretted asking.

"Such a lady," I rolled my eyes at her as she struggled to swallow the remnants of the cupcake.

"It was a coconut cupcake and it was dee-lish-us," she dragged out the delicious whilst licking the crumbs from her fingers.

"Oh gross Emily. How can you eat that? Coconut tastes like arse." I'd hoped she was eating something good so I could go get some but I really, really disliked coconut.

"And how do you know what ar-" Swiftly, I cut Emily off before she could finished her question.

"It was a figure of speech, gees you're such a smart arse sometimes." Whining really didn't suit me but I was feeling slightly upset at the let down of my obtaining tasty cupcakes.

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