Chapter Forty

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For two days we had been travelling home, the excitement between us building as we neared our family and friends that we had been forced to leave behind. I could barely contain my excitement at seeing my parents, brother and Anna again. Although we had all kept in regular contact, talking on the phone was nothing compared to seeing someone in person.

I knew Baydon was excited about seeing his family again as well, he just wouldn't shut up about how much he missed everyone and how excited he was to be able to introduce me as his mate when we returned.

Although neither of us mentioned it, we were both worried about how Blaze would act upon our return and especially what his reaction would be to our mating. Even though he was mating someone else, there was still the chance that his wolf would take over and try to claim me again.

The trees around us thinned out slightly as we turned onto the driveway, leading us to the mating ceremony location. Everyone from the pack would be here so we could all be reunited at the same time.

"You ready for this Rox?" Baydon knew I was worried about Blaze's reaction, and he was starting to act overly protective of me as soon as we re-entered our pack territory.

"I'm good to go, with my sexy muscle man with me I'm sure everything will be fine." I loved teasing him, he seemed to get stirred up to anything even remotely sexual I said these days.

"You think I'm sexy? Wanna drop the 'y' and we can have some fun?" See, dirty minded wolf. Sex on the brain that boy.

"Sure, in the backseat big boy, as long as you don't mind giving a show to everyone in the pack who will be here?" His expression dropped from flirtatious to serious in milliseconds.

"No. No-one can see you like that except me. I can wait." He muttered as his grip tightened on the steering wheel at the mere thought of anyone else seeing me naked. I couldn't help the giggle that escaped my lips at his sudden change.

"We're here, bring on the party."

"Really, Baydon? Did you have to shout that, I'm sure everyone heard that. You couldn't have just been quiet? Great look, here come the family." And sure enough they were all speed-walking towards our now parked car, trying not to look over anxious to see us.

My mum pulled open the door and engulfed me in a bone-crushing hug before I even had a chance to undo my seat belt.

"I missed you so much sweetie, don't ever leave again." Mum was sobbing into my hair, I snuck a glance at Baydon, holding he could help me but he too was being consumed by a mother hug.

"Mum, let me get out first please. You're crushing me here."

"Sorry sweetie, I just misse4d my baby girl so much." Mum stepped back and waited for me to climb out of the car before clutching me in a tight hug again. This was going to be a long welcome home.


After greeting everyone and updating them on our trip, and receiving all the gossip we had missed out on the group that had come out to greet us started to move back towards the garden to find seating for the ceremony.

"You ready babe?" Baydon was holding out his hand for me to take, we had both told our parents of the mating and they couldn't be happier. My dad had given his blessing straight away, saying he was proud to have such a fine and protective young man claim his daughter. Was all a bit weird for me, knowing that dad was basically saying 'thanks for screwing my daughter and joining the family.'

"I just need to go to the bathroom and then I'll be with you. Go find us some seats and I'll meet you in there." Baydon nodded his head before planting a soft kiss on my cheek and heading into the garden area. I made a beeline for the bathroom, I needed to fix up my hair and make-up after all the travelling. Just as I turned the corner my fears burst forward and made themselves a reality.

"Roxanne? You came back?" Shit, shit, double shit.

"Blaze, shouldn't you be getting ready?" Just act calm, everything will be okay. He can't hurt you.

"I am ready, just pacing, nerves you know." He seemed distracted, which I hoped was a good thing.

"Well, good luck. I'll see you later." Making a move to side-step him, Blaze stuck out his arm and quickly grabbed onto my shoulder, stopping any movement I was making.

"Roxy, I hear you mated Baydon?" What the -, how did he know already.

My confusion must have been evident on my face as he chuckled, "Anna always tells Frankie everything, and Frankie let it slip the other night while he was drunk."

Don't say anything, don't deny but don't confirm. I chanted this to myself what felt like a hundred times before Blaze let out a sigh and started to speak again.

"Listen, Roxy, I'm sorry for the way I treated you. You didn'tdeserve it and I should have had way better control over my wolf. My actions were completely unforgivable. However, you are my fated mate and I do have one request of you before I proceed with this mating ceremony. I love Emily, I truly do, but I need to be sure. Spare me just one kiss, so I can know for sure if I'm making the right choice. Please, and I'll leave you and Baydon alone, even if I feel I'm making the wrong choice here."

He looked so confused, scared, worried and disgusted with himself. I couldn't explain all the emotions I could see running across his face, and my voice had suddenly failed me. Thinking it over quickly, I made my decision, and I felt my reasoning was justified, although it felt like another force was pushing me to make this choice.

I closed my eyes and lent forward, puckering my lips at the same time, until I felt his soft lips come into contact with mine.


Last chapter guys, Epilogue will be up as soon as I can get it off my broken laptop. Hopefully wont be too long. show some love and let me know what you think....

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