Chapter Twenty-Four

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Chapter Twenty-Four

My paws were muddy and aching, fur matted with unknown murky substances, twigs, leaves and grass pulling it into painful clumps. I had been running and searching for a few days now. My wolf never once giving me control of our body to return home. He was on a mission to find our mate and claim her, and I was scared as to what would happen when he did find her.

I couldn’t remember the last time we had slept. Killing game for food as we ran and stopping only for seconds when we crossed paths with a water supply. The wolf within me was acting like a crazed lunatic, that was going to get us killed if he didn’t give up this wild goose chase soon.

Dirt and mud flew around my body as we lept over fallen logs and tried to dodge low branches and large puddles. I don’t know what it is about being in the wild but there is always puddles, even if it hasn’t been raining. Moss covered rocks flew passed as we continued our run. I had repeatedly tried communicating with my wolf ever since we left my father’s office, but he was yet to respond. Better try again, you never know when I may be successful in stopping this insanity.

“Oi, Wolf. Do you have any idea where we are going? Wouldn’t we be better to wait for her in pack territory? She is bound to come back sooner or later. Right now we are just running around like headless chickens.” It was such a weird feeling projecting those thoughts into a section of my own mind. This must be how people with multiple personalities feel.

No response. I wasn’t really surprised, he hadn’t thought a single thing to me since the transformation and the escape. My paws were abruptly dug into the soft, muddy ground we had been running on as the wolf halted our run. I had no idea what he was doing but I was so thankful he had stopped. Maybe he had seen reason and decided to hand the control back to me so we could return home and wait for Roxy to return to us. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to look for her, it was just that I had no idea where to start. At least from home I could send out spies to look for her.

“No home, Mate.” Holy shit, my wolf was talking to me. Why he spoke in such broken English I have no idea, I thought wolves were supposed to be smart.

“What are you talking about? You make no sense?”

“I said we aren’t going home. Pay attention and smell what I smell.” We lifted our nose into the air and inhaled deeply. “You smell that? That is a faint trail of Roxy. She has been this way, we will find her and take her as ours. Now stop trying to talk me into going home and I might stop for a rest when we get closer. And for the record, I usually dumb down my words as it’s a well known fact that humans cannot fully understand the intellect a wolf brain possess.” He sounded so smug and sure of himself about the intellect things but I had no time for that right now. Two things he had said stood out in my mind. Roxy went this way, and when we get closer we will stop for a rest. My wolf was getting ready to start running again so I had to say something quickly to guantee we stopped for a rest.

“We have to stop for a rest when we find her. At a Motel or something, we need to freshen up before we see her. You know, look good for our mate?” Surely this would persuade him into taking a break, I would get control back, hopefully, and have the cvhance for a shower, decent feed and a good sleep.

“Good idea, ok, we will find a Motel when we find where she is. Until then shut up.” Pain in the arse that he is, I wonder if anyone else has this much trouble with their wolf?

We took off faster than we had been running before, occassionally stopping to sniff the air and change our path if we needed to.  I was trapped in my own mind as we ran through the wooded land, I have to admit I was getting overly excited at the thought of finding Roxy and taking her home with me. She needed to accept me as her mate and be by my side when I take over the pack.

My mind started to flood with the things I would do to Baydon for taking her away from me. A quick death would be too good for him and my mind peeled off into some of the most nasty and evil things I could think of to punish him. Perhaps I would find his mate and force her to mate someone else in front of him. Or kill her. Or kill him when he finds her so he can never have her.

I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn’t notice the trees around us thining out until we were at the edge of a road leading into town.

“She is here, I’m sure of it. The scent is so strong as though she has been here for a while. We are going to change back to human and you are going to find a motel for us to rest in. We will go and claim her in a few hours after we have had time to prepare ourselves for her. Our mate deserves the best and we should show up clean and dressed nicely to woo her.”

My body began changing shape as my wolf handed control back over to me.

“Don’t try to do anything stupid or I will take control again and you will have to take a backseat as I take Roxy home and claim her.”

Damn annoying wolf. So damn bossy. Even though it would have seemed as though I was against finding her I was actually insanely excited at finding her now. She is my mate and I want her by my side. I just don’t want to scare her again and give her more reason to run from me. Although I guess if I mate her she will eventually grow to love me and no longer fear me as time went on. Maybe after we have pups she will settle down and accept me fully as her mate.

Perhaps my wolf was onto something with this forced mating thing. At least if I marked her the danger of her dying would be gone and she wouldn’t be ble to leave me again as we would be united as one; mind, body and soul.

Walking down the road that led into town I began planning our future together. Where we would live. How many children we would have. The way she would look at me, eyes full of love and belly swollen with child. She would be fine, she was made for me and no-one was going to take that away from me. Whoever did would pay for it dearly, with the first sufferer set to me my former best friend.

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