Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

Roxy's POV.

I could hear footsteps nearing the bathroom. I stopped pacing and turned to glare at whoever had the nerve to interrupt my anger fuelled pity party. The door creaked open slightly, and I watched as Anna's head popped through the crack, and her eyes scanned the room. I felt the glare slide from my face, and tears immediately welled up in my eyes at how nervous she looked.

"I'm so unbelievably sorry Anna," I whispered before collapsing to the floor letting my tears fall silently down my cheeks. I listened to the door slam and the click of the lock before hearing light footsteps making a hasty dash towards me. Before I could register what was happening Anna had wrapped my five foot seven frame into a soothing hug, rocking back and forth telling me to let it all out. So I did.

After fifteen minutes of heavy crying, I pulled away from her embrace, wiping my eyes on the hem of my shirt.

"What happened to you Rox, why are you like this? I knew you wouldn't like being on the bikini brigade, but I didn't think it was really all that bad."

I let out a laugh mixed in with the dying sobs of my hysteria, "Oh Anna, it really isn't that bad. I just have a lot on my mind this morning, and my frustrations finally got the better of me. I'm so sorry that my wrath came out on you. Can you forgive me?" I asked her, worried I had pushed the limits of our friendship too far.

"We are best friends till the end. Anna Rae Charles and Roxanne Lei Sparks - for better or worse we stick together. Tell me what is bothering you today and I will try help you figure it out," sincerity laced in her voice.

I let out a sigh before peeking at her from the corner of my eye. The concern and worry clearly evident on her face broke my resolve to keep all of this secret. Without warning, I was suffering from the worst case of word vomit I had ever encountered. I spilled to her about what I had overheard, how I agreed with what the boys had discussed and about my decision to reject Blaze.

When I was all out of words, I gulped in a huge amount of oxygen and released it slowly, waiting for her reaction. She simply wrapped me up in another sisterly hug before speaking her piece.

"Sweetie, that's a lot to take on all by yourself. Why didn't you call me straight away?"

"You were at the party, and I was online completing my night class lesson, we were both busy."

"We are never too busy for each other. Having a mate is a truly glorious thing, Rox, are you sure this is what you want to do?"

"I have to. I can't put the pack in danger. If anything happened, I would never be able to forgive myself."

"You have put a lot of thought into this. As your best friend, I will be there for you through it all, so don't try to shy away from me if things get tough. Promise me that you will let me help you," Anna pleaded, ending the conversation.

We both nodded in turn at each other before hugging again. Anna helped me tidy up my hair that had come loose from my hair ties as I attempted to wash the dried tear streaks and redness from my face. She offered me a sad yet supportive smile before we headed to the door, preparing to face the rest of the day as though it were any other regular school day.

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