Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

Mum came back inside, took one look around the place and proceeded to scold us for the next half an hour about the destruction that had taken place in 'her house'. We promised her that we would tidy it up, but right now we had to go to Roxanne's house to find out what was going on. Being the wonderful woman she is, she agreed and off Dad and I went.

"Thanks son, I really wanted to spend the rest of my evening cleaning," Dad grumbled along next to me.

I simply smiled apologetically in his direction, too focused on reaching Roxanne's house to coherently form words. We were almost there and my wolf was mentally leaping around inside of me in excitement. He seemed convinced that upon our arrival this would all turn out to be a big mistake, and that Roxy would jump into our embrace, confessing her love for us.

I wasn't as optimistic.

We didn't bother knocking, Dad just called out "Hello, anyone home?"

"We are upstairs Alpha, please come up."

That was Roxy's dad calling down to us. Things must be pretty serious for them not to come down and greet us in the entrance.

I panicked and raced up the stairs, straight into what I assumed was my mates room. Everyone was gathered here. Mr and Mrs Sparkes, Dr Lachlan had come back, Frankie and Anna were huddled together, Taylor, Roxanne's Gran, Baydon and all of Roxanne's aunts and uncles.

Wait a second, what is Baydon doing here. My wolf was not happy to see him here, it had only been a couple of hours since he had been lip-locked with my girl. Unconsciously I let out a low warning growl, which was cut off when my dad slapped me across the back of my head.

"Get it together, you're here to find out what caused Roxanne to reject you earlier," he whispered almost silently.

Dad was right. I needed to talk to Roxy. Making my way to her bedside, I  squeezed past her family to catch a glimpse of her. she wasn't moving. Tears sprang into my eyes at the realization that Dr Lachlan had been telling the truth, and this wasn't all a horrible prank. Roxy's wolf had started to shut down her body. Even the bolts of energy I had previously felt when I touched her, had faded in intensity. I could hardly feel them at all now, her wolf was cutting herself off from her feelings.

"When do you think she will wake up, Doctor?" I questioned him, not even raising my eyes from the delicate features of my beautiful mate's face.

"It's hard to say Blaze, could be a few minutes, hours or even days. Depends on how badly her wolf is hurting right now."

"Dammit, I need to know why she rejected me."

A collection of gasps erupted around the room, followed by hushed mutterings of 'He is her mate?' and 'Why would she do that? The only people who weren't surprised were Frankie, Anna, Dad, Baydon and Dr Lachlan.

I wondered if Anna knew about what Roxanne had been planning. Peeking up at her, I saw that she was watching me. I raised an eyebrow at her questionally, she obviously understood my silent question because she nodded her head towards the door before her hand Frankie headed towards it. I took a parting look at the sleeping beauty in front of me before following them out, and down the stairs.

Once we were sure we were out of earshot of the others, Anna started whispering, still cautious of the werwolf ears that could be trying to listen in.

"I guess you want to know why Rox rejected you?"

I nodded, not wanting to interrupt her flow of words. An explanation would hopefully be following.

"It's a long story Blaze, but I'll shorten it down to the basics for now. Rox overheard a coversation involving Frankie, Baydon, Jeremy and Jordan where Baydon was trying to convince the rest of the guys that they had to prevent you from telling Roxy about you two being mates. His reason was that he doesn't think she would make a good Luna. She believed what Baydon said didn't want to put the pack in danger, so she rejected you. She felt like she had to." Anna was puffing by the end of this, she had been whispering so fast I was amazed I had understood everything.

I turned to Frankie, the anger rolling off me in waves. Before I could begin tearing shreds from his hide he opened up, "Me and the guys wanted no part in it man, we didn't do it." He had his out in front of him in a surrendering pose while he shook his head, trying to show his innocence in it all. It  would do for now, he wasn't my main target.

The rage inside me continued to build, I could feel it taking over my logical mind until it was in complete control again. I hissed out Baydon's name through clenched teeth before racing back inside and taking the stairs two at a time in my haste to get to him. It was his fault Roxy was like this. Him and his big stupid mouth. If he just kept is stupid opinions to himself she would have accepted me and we would be ok. I was going to kill him for hurting her like this.

I burst into Roxy's room, spotting him instantly. He was squatting near the bed, concern evident upon his features, as he spoke to the doctor about something I just couldn't focus on right now. How dare he be so close to our mate. My wolf was seething and the red haze was returning, this time I didn't try to fight it, letting it take complete control.

Charging through the room, I picked up Baydon by the collar of his shirt and threw him through the closed bedroom window.

Glass spilled to the floor, women let out screams and men were gasping in shock, but I didn't care. Baydon was my objective, his death the only thing I would settle for. Ignoring the voices and sounds around me I lept out of the broken window, shifting to my wolf in mid air. Baydon was pushing himself from the ground when I landed on the lawn in front of him. Barely gaining my balance, I lunged at him again, a satisfying cry of pain leaving his mouth as I clamped my jaw around his leg. My mouth was starting to feel with fur as Baydon tried to shift into his wolf, I bit down harder, I wasn't going to make the shift easy for him.

Halfway through a shift is when I werewolf is at it's weakest as they aren't quite human, nor quite wolf.

When Baydon reached this point I released his leg and went for my kill shot. The throat. Bearing my teeth again and letting out a vicious growl, I captured his throat just as his change was complete, I had missed weakspot by seconds. Baydon dropped to the ground, twisting his head around wildly, snapping and snarling, trying to connect with any part of me. We were rolling around on the ground, but Baydon's movements were rapidly slowing down. He may be a Beta but he was still no match for an Alpha, an angry one at that. He would be dead by hand hand any moment now, the thought of avenging Roxanne's pain, making me shiver with pleasure.

"Blaze, release him at once," Dad commanded me and I could feel an internal battle take place within me. Part wanting to obey the order of the Alpha, part still driven by blood lust for the animal that had caused my mate to doubt herself.

"Roxy is awake, Blaze. She is watching you from her window, do you really want her to witness you do this?"

That caught my attention, I let Baydon go, spinning around to face the house. Sure enough, there she was, outlined by the light in her room, looking every bit the angel she was.

Shifting back I threw a warning over my shoulder to Baydon, "This is far from over arsehole. Your head is mine."

That done, I raced inside to Roxy. To tell her again how much she means to me and to beg, yes beg, her to accept me and wear my mark.


What do you think?

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