Chapter Twenty-Five

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Chapter Twenty-Five

We had been in town for a few days now and Baydon had decided we needed to go out on our first date; seeing how we were now officially in a relationship.

I had no idea where we were going; all he had told me was to dress comfortable and casual. Seriously, who dresses casual for a first date?

Considering my clothing selection was limited, it didn’t take too long for me to decide on something to wear. Pulling on my red skinny jeans, soft grey off the shoulder top and my black flat heel ankle boots I decided to just leave my hair out and slip in a head band to hold it off my face.

Baydon’s jaw dropped as I walked out into the main section of our motel room. I’m sure my reaction must have been similar as I took in his appearance. He was wearing dirty denim jeans, worn in the right places, a deep blue collared shirt and black shoes.

My feet took on a mind of their own as they carried my body towards the hunk in front of me. Without thinking I reached up and tangled my hands in his already ruffled hair, pulling his still shocked face towards mine and planting my glossy lips on his soft ones. Instantly our mouths moved together and the kiss heated in passion within seconds until our hands were running all over each other’s body. First to break the kiss was Baydon, which left me feeling shocked and slightly rejected as I glanced up at him.

“Please don’t look at me like that Roxy. If we don’t stop kissing we will never make it out on our date and I’m determined to show you that you made the right decision in forming a relationship with me.”

How could I even get mad at him when he says something like hat? H e obviously really wants to make a good impression and not leave any room for doubt in my mind when it comes to us. Still, I wasn’t finished kissing him yet.

“I’ll forgive you if you kiss me again,” my voice held a huskiness I wasn’t aware I was capable of possessing.

“Deal. Now let’s go. I have lots planned for today and I want us to be able to fully enjoy everything.” Baydon grabbed my hand, squeezing it in a loving manner before leading me to the door.

“Hold on a second Romeo, where’s my kiss?” I questioned, pouting like an upset child and halting in my tracks, waiting for him to answer.

“You didn’t specify when to you kiss you again so I think I’ll surprise you. Now let’s go Rox.”

I wasn’t happy with his answer, but he was right. The anticipation of my ‘surprise’ kiss was already filling my mind and body, and I had only been waiting a few minutes. Hopefully he didn’t leave me waiting too long, I felt as though I was already ready to explode.


The car pulled up outside a store I had never heard of before.

“What is Cold Rock, Baydon?”

“You have never been to cold rock? You haven’t lived till you have had a cold rock.”A dreamy look passed over his place as he spoke; making me even more curious about the building we were now walking towards.

Walking through the door Baydon was holding open, my eyes took in the most glorious sight, and I couldn’t help the excited squeak that left my mouth.

“Oh my God, Baydon this is amazing!” I squealed as I grabbed his hand, dragging him towards the rows of counters in front of me.

“Welcome to Cold Rock guys, what can I get for you today?” The girl behind the counter stood before us grinning, as she waited for us to place our order.

Rows and rows of every flavour of ice-cream you could imagine were before me. Behind the ice-cream was jars filled with every kind of toppings I could think of. I was so excited at the options in front of me I hadn’t realised that Baydon already had ordered, and that he and the girl were both waiting on me.

“Ummm, can I get the butterscotch ice-cream, the toffee ice-cream, gummi bears, flake chocolate pieces, Jaffa’s and caramel sauce? Please. Also can I get it in a big cup? Thanks.” I stood back to watch the server make my creation. She took all of the things I ordered and smashed them all together on top of a cold, granite looking slab, before putting it in the tub and handing it to me.

Shoving a spoonful into my mouth, I let out a loud groan of satisfaction as the flavours filled my mouth. It was ah-maz-ing! How had I never had this before?

“It’s good huh,” Baydon sounded so smug, but I couldn’t deny it. This was the greatest place I had ever been.

“This is the best thing I have ever tasted. Great choice for our date. I’m impressed.” As I finished speaking, I shoved another spoonful of my dairy goodness into my mouth, savouring the taste as it melted away.

“This is only the beginning of our date. Want to taste some of my ice-cream?” he asked, veering off the date topic quite suddenly.

“What did you get?” My ice-cream was orgasmic and I knew I would have to try his as well.

“I got chocolate and peppermint ice-cream with m&m’s, Oreo’s and skittles. You have to try it,” he was holding out his ice-cream in offering but I shook my head at him, frowning in disappointment.

“If I wanted to taste peppermint I would brush my teeth thanks. Why do people ruin junk food by making it taste like toothpaste? It’s stupid. Finishing my rant, I sat down at a table out the front of the shop and focused on finishing my treat.

“Ahhhh,” Baydon let out a gruff, manly kind of scream, startling me and sending me into a panic s I tried to figure out what was going on.

One look in his direction had the mystery solved and I was on the ground laughing. He was holding his head in his hands with his face all scrunched up.

“It’s not funny Roxy, brain freezes can kill,” he moaned out. His eyes still squeezed shut and his head in his hands.

Ten minutes later and I had finally finished laughing at him. He threw a glare at me before standing and slowly walking towards the car.

“Come on Roxy, time to move along. We have a big day ahead.”

Slurping on my slowly melting ice-cream, I followed. Wondering what was next on the agenda for this date.

A/N I uploaded this from my phone so if there are any mistakes, I'm sorry.

Would really love some comments on this chapter guys, your feedback helps motivate me. I have the ending all written and a few of the later chapters but I'm lacking in some ideas on how to get there from here. There are probably around 10 chapters left in this story now unless I suddendly get struck with more ideas.

For now though please comment, vote, fan and recommend, but only if

you think it's deserved!!

Breaking BondsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora