Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty

After my hour long shower, I had come to a decision. Baydon needed to know what I was planning so I finished drying myself off, dressed and headed out into the room to talk to him.

He was reclined on the small lounge in the room. His legs hanging over one of the arms as he was far to long for the small thing. Fingers linked behind his head and wisps of blonde hair falling down his forehead, almost reaching his crystal blue eyes, he was truly a beautiful sight. I just hoped I was making the right choice. Clearing my throat gently I watched as Baydon’s head snapped up, his eyes seemed to fill with light as he moved himself into a sitting position.

“Baydon, as you know I’ve been thinking about what you said and what just happened between us. I want you to know I have come to a decision, before I tell you though I want to hear what you have to say about things.” I had been twisting my fingers and hands around in fron t of me while I spoke. While I had made a decision, I still needed to know where Baydon was with all of this, what he said now had the influence to change my mind.

“Roxy, I..” He began before halting in his words. He leant forward and rested his head in his hands, crouched over his knees he took in a shaky sounding breath before raising his head again and looking me dead in the eyes.

 “ Roxy, everything I said to you before was true. Whatever you want from me I will give you. If you just want to be friends, then we will be friends. I’ll completely understand, I know this can’t be easy for you. Just know, that I will always be here for you. Whatever you need, I will always be there to make sure you get it. You deserve the world, and if I could give it to you I would.”

The entire time he was speaking I could feel my heart rate increase. This guy, he didn’t speak like any other guy I knew. The way he put himself out there to be hurt was extraordinary, the words he used to explain himself were beautiful, and I could tell from the tone in his voice, and the look in his eyes that he meant every word of what he was saying. He was still staring into my eyes, his own eyes glinting with hope.

“Baydon, all those things you said you wanted to be for me, I’m not able to give you that.  “ I watched as his face fell, head dropping back into his hands, as a soft sign escaped lips. I needed to finish what I had started, and quickly. “I want you to be my friend, my best friend and my protector.”

“You know I will be anything you want me to be, just please don’t push me away from you,” Baydon was pleading me with his barely audible whisper, face still buried in his hands.

“Who said I was pushing you away Baydon? Let me finish what I came out here to say. I want you to be my best friend and protector, as I believe these are important qualities for my boyfriend to have.” At this comment Baydon lifted his head to look at me though he avoided looking me straight in the eye. He was twiddling his thumbs and his legs were slightly bouncing around in anticipation and nervousness, I guessed.

“If you want to give it a shot, I would be happy to be your girlfriend. The rest might come later depending on how we go, but for now we can be in a regular teenage relationship if you really want to give us a shot,” rushing the part of my little speech I barely had enough time to draw a breath before I found myself being attacked by the tastiest lips I had ever encounted.

“You,” Baydon kissed me, “Know I,” another kiss, “Want You.” A long passionate kiss followed, it wasn’t as heated and hormone driven as before it was still enough to confirm I had indeed make the right decision. I couldn’t be with my mate, not that I wanted to be after the way he had treated me, so the sooner I moved on to finding love, the better it would be for everyone.

Pulling away from those soft lips proved to be a challenge but I managed to do it anyway. Holding Baydon’s slightly stubbled cheeks in my hands I looked him square in the eyes.

 “You have already proven to me that you can be a great friend and protector by looking out for me and protecting me from an out of control Alpha wolf, so can I suggest you work on showing me how great of a boyfriend you can be, and we may be able to progress this relationship into something else. For now though, we both need sleep, you especially so you can heal those wounds you are trying to hide from me. In the morning we will go see your family here and decide what we will do next.”

Baydon closed his eyes as he nuzzled his face into my hands before bringing his own hands up and wrapping them around me in a bear hug, rubbing softly across my shoulders.

“I will be the most amazing boyfriend you have ever seen, they will be basing future romance movies off of the way I woo you into loving me. Ok that was really corny, but I will be the best boyfriend. I want to be your everything the way you are mine.”

That was all he needed to say before I grabbed his hand and let him to the enormous king sized bed in our hotel room. Climbing on, I pulled him down  with me, wrestling with the blankets to get underneath them and then curling up in his arms. I needed to feel safe, Baydon was safe. He would protect me at all costs, I knew this from his actions already. I trusted him completely not to try anything, even though only hours before we were throwing ourselves at one another in a lust-filled fenzy.

Baydon pulled me into him, holding me tightly, his eyes already drooping closed from his exhaustion. I was feeling the same way. My body moulded into his, my curves fitting perfectly with his body shape, our legs twisted together in their own little hug. It was as though I had been made for him, even though I knew the Moon Goddess had made me for another.

“Will you still be here when I wake up?” Baydon whispered, his voice slurred from sleepiness as he tried to pull me even closer.

“I will always be here with you, until we decide otherwise. I won’t run from you unless you give me reason.” Honesty was the key, my words were the truth. I had run from Blaze, he had given me good reason. I wouldn’t run from Baydon unless I felt I needed to.

“…reason…. Always ….. My princess…” Babbling in his half asleep state I barely managed to understand what he had said, but when I deciphered it a small grin took over my kiss swollen lips. This could work out to be a great thing.

As I drifted off into my own dreamland my final thoughts were off Baydon and Blaze. They say a door is never closed without a window being opened. The door had closed indefinitely on any relationship I was to have with Blaze, but maybe Baydon was my open window? My second chance?


I know it's short but upload is better than none, right?

I'm going to try for 15 votes and 8 comments on this chapter before uploading again.

Thanks for reading

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