Chapter Thirty - Nine

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Silently grabbing my car keys, I spared one more glance at the beautiful angel still sleeping in the hotel bed. My angel, she had finally agreed to be mine. Not only had she allowed me to mark her but we had claimed each other, body and soul. We were link, she was mine and I was hers. There was only one way I could be happier, and I was planning on working on that now.

Tip-toeing out the door, I slid my shoes on before carefully pulling the door closed behind me. I wanted Roxy to stay asleep until I got back, that way I would have the element of surprise. Climbing into the driver's seat, I started the car and rushed out of the parking lot with one destination on my mind. The jewellers.

Seeings how we would be heading back to our pack and families, I figured it would be safe to use my credit card. Fears of Blaze using it to track us were wiped now that he was mating someone else. This meant that I could really splash out and get something special.

My mind was ticking over ideas, trying to think of special ways to show my love to Roxy. I had come up with something that I hoped she would like. Just as I was happy with my plans I reached the jewellers and parked the car.

Determined to get what I wanted, I strolled through the front door confidently, heading straight for the rings. An attendant popped up, seemingly from nowhere, and asked if I needed any help.

"Do you do engraving on the jewellery here?" This was vital to my plan, I needed the ring engraved.

"Yes sir we do, we can do it in an hour for a fee of $200," she replied. I could almost see the dollar signs lighting up in her eyes.

I shook my head at her, some people are so money hungry. Not wanting to waste any time, I didn't bother trying to haggle the ridiculous price with her.

"Fine, can you show me your white gold engagement rings please?"

The woman looked pleased with herself as she motioned for me to follow her over to a glass cabinet.

"These are all of the rings you requested that we currently have in stock, is there one here that you like?"

Scanning the rows of rings in front of me, I spotted the perfect one in the last row and pointed at it, "What can you tell me about this one?"

she pulled the ring out of the cabinet and studied it for a moment before answering." The stone in the middle is a 1.25 carat diamond, these stones surrounding are a mixture of sapphires and emeralds." She was indicating the figure eight shape of gems that swirled around the diamond. It was perfect, something I hoped Roxy would love.

"how much is it?" I questioned, even though I had already made up my mind and was reaching for my wallet as we spoke.

"This ring is $3 599. Would something a little less expensive suit you better?" Smugness was plastered all over the store attendants face now, as she made to put the ring away.

"No that ring is fine, also I need to get it engraved within the hour. Where do I write what I want engraved?" Suck on that you snooty bitch. She turned her nose up at me before moving towards the register and pulling out some kind of form and handing it to me with a pen.

"This is the form for engraving, you are required to pay for the ring and engraving in advance sir, will that be a problem?"

"Not at all, I assume you take VISA without a problem?" The woman nodded her head and took the card I held out to her while I filled in the engraving request form.

I wanted 'Baydon' engraved across the top inside of the ring so that if Roxy ever took if off, my name would be left on her finger for a while. Along the bottom outside of the ring I wanted 'It was always you' engraved, to show her how I felt about her.

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