Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

Friday at the car wash.

Roxy's POV.

"I can't believe I'm actually seeing this," Anna giggled, washing the car panels next to me. "You actually wore a bikini, where have you been hiding that body, woooo hot mamma," she continued hollering. She squeezed her lips together before letting loose a wolf-whistle, sliding her eyes over my body in a mocking check-out move. "Girl, you could turn a gay man straight and a straight woman gay," she finished up her slightly disturbing explosion of compliments.

I flicked the hose at her briefly, a crimson blush staining my cheeks at her words. This is why I never show skin in public. Anna let out a hysterical bout of laughter before I thought to myself, Fuck this, and turned the full force of the hose's jet spray on her, unwavering as she coughed and spluttered through her continued giggles. Drenched, from head to toe in seconds, she let out an ear-piercing shriek.

"Ahhhhhhhhh, help!"

I held my hands steady as I kept the hose still trained on her body, both of us laughing our head off. Materialising, as if out of nowhere, Frankie was in front of Anna, protectively crouched and looking for the danger. I don't even think he had noticed the hose now aimed right at his chest, drenching his black muscle shirt thoroughly. Anna certainly noticed, though, she was practically drooling, her eyes appearing to be on the verge of popping from their sockets. Her face right now was priceless, I couldn't help it, I exploded into a squealing fit of laughter, unable to contain myself any longer.

Frankie finally noticed what was going on and rolled his eyes at the two of us, muttering something about bloody women under his breath. He stepped out of the firing line, but it was too late. The damage had already been done. He turned to face Anna and both their mouths dropped open, almost comically, taking in the appearance of each other before Anna launched herself into his arms.

Wrapping her legs around his six foot five body and starting a heated makeout session that would cause a stripper to blush.

"Frankie, man where did you go?" A husky voice sounded from my left. Oh damn it not again, I mumbled to myself. Frigging Blaze.

I swung around, hose in hand, and sprayed him full force without actually realising what was happening.

"What the fuck" he shouted, looking at his now soaked deep blue v-neck and basketball shorts. He glanced in my direction, anger clearly displayed in his eyes before they widen in recognition. Immediately they filled with devotion and love.

"Roxanne," he whispered, lustfully, before his eyes glided over my exposed flesh. Damn string bikini. He lifted his eyes and returned his gaze to my face after a few seconds. I noticed they had darkened to a deep forest green, filled with heat and lust. He groaned out my name again before taking a slow step towards me.

Oh, shit. I don't need this now, I thought before I lifted the hose again, and squirted him in the middle of his chiseled face before dropping the hose and sprinting. I dashed towards Anna and smacked her in the head to draw her attention. She broke away from Frankie and squinted over his shoulder, only to see Blaze's lust filled gaze and shaking body.

"Holy shit girl! What did you do? He looks as though he is fighting a losing battle with wolf," she exclaimed while grabbing my arm and running with me. "Fix him Frankie, please, he looks ready to rip everything in his path to shreds," she pleaded over her shoulder.

The last thing we heard and saw was Frankie yelling, "Oh Fuck," before he ran towards Blaze, and tackled him to the ground, Blaze struggling to break free to allow his inner wolf to give chase.

Damn that stupid hormonal Alpha wolf making my life more difficult.


Hey guys, if your reading this then thanks for sticking with the story. Would love to hear what you think about it so far so please comment below.

Happy reading

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