Chapter Thirty - Four

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"Put me down. This is cheating and you know it." Baydon, the sore loser, had picked me up and thrown me over his shoulder just as I was about to intercept the pass he made. I swear that boy cannot throw a football to save his life.

"Oh! So this is cheating, but distracting me with your sexy, hourglass physique isn't?" Baydon's eyebrow was cocked up in an arrogant kind of way.

"It's not my fault you are so easily distracted. Maybe you need to control yourself a little more?" Granted, I had been using my naturally gifted body to gain a certain advantage, but really it wasn't my fault his attention is so easily drawn to me.

"What do you mean, control myself a little more?" He flicked his fingers in the air, making quotation marks, as he repeated what I had just said.

By now we had both forgotten about the heated, pack football game we had just been participating in, and seemed to be subconsciously moving away from the 'sport ground' and closer to the thick trees that surrounded us.

"It means exactly what it sounds like. If you didn't lust after all of this," at this point I ran my hands up and down my torso seductively, "so much then I wouldn't be able to distract you so easily."

Baydon's eyes were glued to my hands that I was still running over my hips, his eyes had taken on a hungry look as he followed the movements I was making. Boys, I rolled my eyes before continuing on.

"And then the ninja penguins declared war and that's how I ended up pole dancing for money to feed my children." The first illogical thing I could think of was what I spurted out, and still he seemed to have no idea that I was still talking. After waiting a few more moments and watching him licking his lips as though planning to devour me I gave up and started clicking my fingers in front of his face.

"Baydon, you in there? Did you hear what I said?" That snapped him out of it quickly as he slowly dragged his eyes to look me in the face.

"Sorry what? I must have zoned out for a minute there." Baydon looked genuinely confused, his eyes still glazed over with lust as his hands slowly reached out to grab my hips and pull me in close. All I could do was laugh at him, and laugh I did.

"Stop laughing, what's so funny?" He was getting angry again, which in turn fueled my anger and gave it cause to rise to the surface again.

"I'm laughing at how easily you are manipulated?" I pulled away from his hold, even though it made my body feel cold without him around me. I'm sure my eyes were burning with the same anger and passion that his held. Things between us had become pretty tense lately to say the least. Refusing to give him an answer about mating me had caused a wedge to drive in between us and although we could still laugh and have fun together it was quite obvious that we were both walking on eggshells, trying not to piss the other one off. Not to mention that I had decided to put a stop to most of our making out in fear that it would lead to something more. I didn't want Baydon to lose control and attempt to mate me the same way Blaze had done. To say hormones and tensions were at an all time high would be an understatement.

"Easily manipulated? What about you? A few negative words from me to some fellow pack members about you being Luna had you rejecting your mate and running away with me. Talk about easily manipulated, you fell right in with me and after only days you declared yourself mine, even though you knew the things I had said about you. Granted, I never expected Blaze to act the way he did, which just made things easier for me. But now you are with me, which is where you are meant to be anyway. You. Are. Mine." Whoa, I had never seen Baydon so angry, his eyes kept moving around in rapid motions as he threw his hands around in crazy gestures while slowly advancing on me.

As his words sunk in, I realised what he had said was true. I was easily manipulated by him, and as crazy as it sounds I had only just realised it. They say the truth hurts but it felt like my mind and my heart wanted to break at his harsh words. I could feel tears springing into my eyes, and from the sudden change in Baydon's facial expression I could tell he saw them too. Refusing to let him have the last word I stood my ground, crossed my arms and puffed out my chest, looking him straight in his guilt stricken eyes I stated in a firm voice, " Well if that's the way you see it then I guess I should just go back to him and be Luna, huh? But you need to remember, I have never and will never belong to anyone."

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