Chapter Twenty- Three

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Chapter Twenty Three

One lunch was finished with and we had cleaned up after it, the girls moved inside while us guys made our way to the garage. They knew I wanted to ask them something, they just weren’t sure what.

Asking for help away from Roxy was important to me; I wanted to keep her separate from the gritty side of our little ‘holiday’. She had already been through enough in the last few days and she didn’t need to worry about Blaze finding us already.

Uncle Tom was the first to speak up when we reached our destination.

“Roxy; she isn’t your mate is she?” It sounded more like a statement than a question. I was puzzled at how he came to this conclusion and seemed so sure about it.

“What makes you say that?” My curiosity won out when I opened my mouth to respond.

“Well you guys are dating, you seem pretty close and yet neither of you are marked. If she was your mate and you were that close it would be impossible for you not to mark each other.” Uncle Tom said this like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

“No, she isn’t my mate. I would love her to be, but she is Blaze’s mate, which is the reason we are here.”

My body tensed involuntary as I mentioned the name of my soon to be Alpha. An action which didn’t go unnoticed by the men around me.

“Blaze? As in Blaze Aston? Soon to be Alpha? Baydon what is going on, it must be serious if you are running from your Alpha with his mate. Does she know she is his mate?” Uncle Tom’s voice held a combination of concern, fear and anger as he fired off questions at me in quick succession.

“Yes, Blaze Aston, my soon to be Alpha. Yes she is his mater and she is fully aware of this fact. The reason we are on the run from him is because Blaze tried force her into a mating and he scared the shit outta her. We left with the blessing of her family and the current Alpha because she was too scared to stay at her own home because of that arse.”

 Explaining the basics of our situation to my attending family members only increased my anger about the whole situation. I could only hope that they would still help us after learning that we were hiding from an almost Alpha.

Alex spoke up first, which was surprising as Uncle Tom seemed to have been in charge of the decisions and questions so far.

“What do you need from us?” Determination filled his voice as the question echoed around the now silent room.

Looking between my cousins and uncle, I licked my lips before speaking.

“” I was hoping you could just help keep an ear out and give us a heads up if you hear about Blaze being in the area. Or if you hear of anyone else asking around about us.”

I wasn’t sure what the reaction would be, but laughter hadn’t even crossed my mind as a possibility. Yet, that was what I got. From everyone. I couldn’t understand why they were laughing. Backtracking through what I had said only left me more confused. Nothing had even been remotely funny; it was all quite serious actually.

“What are you all laughing at?” I demanded, fed up with trying to figure out the intricate workings of their brains.

Between laughter, Uncle Tom managed to blurt out, “That’s all. You were so serious. We thought you wanted to kill Roxy’s mate or hide in our basement or something.”

They were laughing out of relief that I hadn’t asked them to do something illegal by the sounds of it. They were obviously expecting me to ask something completely different and a lot more involved than just warning us if Blaze was in the area sniffing around.

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