Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

"Dad, Alpha Aston," I half shouted, half screamed. Wishing and praying that they were still close enough to hear my cries. I couldn't handle the fighting going on right in front of me, and there was no way I would be able to stop it myself.

Baydon and Blaze were going punch for punch, both of them growling aggressively at each other. This was the second fight I had had to bare witness to today, and it was too much for me. Hearing the pounding of feet heading towards my door, I backed away from it, and watched as Dad and Alpha Aston raced into the room. Their eyes quickly sized up the action in front of them before they both sprung forward. Alpha Aston capturing Blaze in a kind of bear hug while Dad grabbed Baydon's arms and pulled him back, away from Blaze and towards me.

"Would someone care to explain to me what the fuck you two are doing fighting in my daughter's room again?" My dad bellowed, he was pissed, he never swore if he could help it.

Baydon looked between Blaze and I before responding, "Well, Sir, I was returning here to sort out the incident from earlier, and to check on Roxy when I heard her scream. When I got in here Blaze had her cornered and was trying to mark her without her permission. She looked terrified so I pushed her out of the way and hit Blaze to distract him from her. His wolf was in control again and my instinct to protect women kicked in. I'm sorry for starting the fight but I felt I had good reason." Baydon looked genuinely sorry and I was beyond grateful he had stepped in to save me.

"Mine," was the only thing Blaze seemed able to say right now and that wasn't helping his case any.

"That's enough out of you Blaze, get yourself together. Trying to force a mark on Roxy, you know better than that. We're leaving right now." Alpha Aston had a hold of Blaze by the scruff of his shirt and was making him walk towards the door. "I'm so sorry for his behaviour Roxy, his mother and I raised him better than this. Rest assured action will be taken." They were gone in a matter of seconds, Blaze still growling and trying to fight for his freedom as his dad dragged him away.

"Thank you Baydon, I'm glad Roxy has a good friend like you to help her out when she needs it. Are you alright Roxy?" Dad questioned with concern all over his face, he took a step towards me and released Baydon in the process.

"Yeah Dad, I'm fine. I think I would like to get out of here for a few weeks though, give Blaze a chance to cool down." Truth was I was hoping if I left for a little while, the rejection would set in and Blaze would leave me alone.

"I see why you would want that but I'm extremely uneasy about letting my baby girl go away alone," pity was in Dad's eyes as he spoke to me. He knew I needed to get away, being almost forced into being marked was a pretty traumatic experience for a femme wolf. I would have been tied to Blaze for the rest of my life and I didn't want that, even if he was my mate.

"I'll go with her if you like Sir, I know somewhere we could go and be safe. If that's alright with you both?" Baydon had stepped forward while talking and was now standing in front of my dad and I.

"Hmmmm, you two talk about it while I make a call and mention the idea to the Alpha, that sound alright?" Dad looked from Baydon and I a few times as we both nodded in agreement. Satisfied he left the room to make his call.

"I'm sorry you had to see that Roxy, are you sure you are ok?"

I just ran and hugged Baydon as tight as I could, he had saved me and for that I would be forever grateful. Baydon wrapped his arms around me cautiously, gently returning my hug.

"Thank you Baydon, thank you so damn much," I whispered into his chest as I tried to hug him tighter.

"It's fine Roxy, I couldn't let him do that to you. Did you really want to leave for a while, I really don't mind coming with you if that's what your father decides needs to happen." Baydon is such a great friend, yeah, he thought I wouldn't make a good Luna but he was just looking out for the pack. Still, I had to ask.

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