Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

Blaze POV.

I stood there in shock while everyone around me stared wide-eyed with mouths agape. I think they were surprised that anyone had the nerve to speak to me in that manner. I mean, I am the future Alpha.

Even Frankie and his mate Anna were standing there in shock.

I mentally had to shake myself before yelling at the collection of onlookers. "What are you all looking at? Never seen a cat fight before?" I aggressively questioned the group. Most of them nodded or shook their head, turning to leave. Frankie walked over to me, and clasped my shoulder when he was within reach.

"You ok man? That was pretty full on there," he queried.

I rolled my eyes, and leant my head back to stare at the ceiling before slowly exhaling and stating to the ceiling cracks.

"She hates me. Did you hear what she said? She thought my touch was disgusting."

I tried to keep the pain from my voice, but some must have still seeped through as I watched Frankie's eyes cloud over with pity before he hesitantly responded.

"I'm sure when, and if you tell her that she is your mate she will change her tune," he was whispering so Anna couldn't hear.

Anna had started to cautiously tip-toe up to us, she folded her arms around Frankie's waist, and rested her frame against his back.

"I'm going to go check on Rox. That was really out of character for her, and I'm sure she has calmed down enough to talk too," quietly mumbling into Frankie's shirt Anna continued, " Can you cover for me in class please babe?"

"Sure, no worries sugar. Be careful, love you." he answered her, placing a soft kiss on her cheek.

"Love you too," and with that Anna leisurely walked in the direction that we had last seen Roxanne heading.

Frankie turned his attention back to me.

"You touched her," he suddenly blurted out in surprise, "Did you know it was her?" he grilled.

I rubbed my hands down my face, and groaned before I shook my head slightly in response. "I had no idea it was her. Why was she attacking Anna, I thought they were friends. And what the fuck was she wearing?" I started getting fired up with all the unanswered questions flying around my head about my girl and her sudden personality changes.

"No idea man, but I'm sure Anna will find out and tell me about it later. I can text you when I know."

I nodded at Frankie, hoping that everything was alright with her. She might hate me, but I still care about her.

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