Chapter Nineteen

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Chapter Nineteen

“Have you got control of yourself yet boy?” Vaguely I recognised the voice as my father’s, but it sounded far off and muffled.

“Mine,” was all I was able to respond. Well I use the term ‘I’ very loosely as the words were coming out of my mouth but I had no control over them.

“I guess not, I’ll leave you to it then, I’ll be back in a while to check how you are going.” Dad must have left the room as I could no longer see his shadowy figure standing before me.

My vision was hazy, my hearing muffled and my body was not my own. The last thing I could remember was talking to Roxy in her room. I knew I was now chained in the prison room of my father’s house until I could reign in my wolf. The question that plagued my thoughts was; what had I done to be chained in here?

Thinking as hard as I could nothing could come to mind. All I could remember was talking to Roxy, telling her that if she wasn’t marked soon she would die. She didn’t believe me, I could recall that, but beyond that I had no idea. Just a shadowy haze of passion, regret and hate.

Regret and hate? The love I could understand, I had been in the room with the love of my life but the hate and regret. What could I possibly regret. The only thing I could regret would be if – no that’s not possible. My wolf let out a sorrow filled howl as the thought made its way clearly into my mind. Roxy, I must have done something to her, hurt her, to be feeling regret. It made sense, why else would I be chained in the prison room? My wolf let out another howl of pain as my imagination ran away with me and the things I could have done. With no control over my wolf in the last day I could have done anything.

Dad slammed through the door of the prison room and stood there, staring at me questionally. I fought my wolf to regain some control but it wasn’t relenting. Begging in my mind for him to let me speak and ask about Roxy and what happened was the only thing he responded to and I quickly found myself back in the driver’s seat.

“Dad, why am I here. How is Roxy?” My voice was shaky as it left my dry lips, how long had I been here?

“Blaze, you are here because you lost total control of your wolf. You attacked Roxy and attempted to mark her against her will. You terrified the damn girl Blaze, how could you lose control like that. You could have killed her?” Spittle was flying from his mouth as he yelled in anger at me. I had obviously messed up big time and he was feeling it. It must be embarrassing to not even be able to control the actions of your own son when you are Alpha of the pack.

“I,” I swallowed and licked my lips in preparation to try asking again, “I attacked her? Did I mark her? Where is she now? Is she safe? Can I see her?” Once the first question was out of my mouth they just kept coming like word vomit.

A sigh left Dad’s lips before he ran hand through his already messy hair. I noticed his adam’s apple bobbing before he spoke, “Yes you attacked her, no you were unsuccessful at marking her,” my wolf let out an internal howl of disappointment at that. An awkward silence filled the room as I waited for Dad to continue answering my questions. After a few moments had passed it became obvious to me he wasn’t going to answer them so I asked again.

“Can I see her?”

“No, you can’t see her. It isn’t safe for her to be around her at the moment after the way you behaved.”

“Are you actually trying to tell me you think I would fucking hurt her? MY MATE? I would never hurt a hair on her head, I couldn’t. Ask her to come see me NOW? I was furious, how dare he accuse me of being a danger to Roxy. The idea was laughable.

“Of course I think you would hurt her or are you stupid as well as out of control? You have already fucking attacked her. Tried to mark her against her will. Scared the absolute hell out of her. Have you forgotten that little fact already? Roxanne was so damn terrified of what would happen to her if you got loose and found her, that she has left the pack territory with Baydon. She is so damn scared of you that she has left her whole fucking family, her friends and everyone she loves behind to get away from you.” Dad froze as though he realised he had just said something that he shouldn’t of. Something that was supposed to be secret. I had to back track through his outburst to figure out what had caused him to stop it so abruptly. The light came on in head as a growl was emitted from deep within my throat.

“She fucking left? With Baydon?” He had to be joking, there was no way she would leave with him. Dad nodded, confirming my questions.

That was the moment my vision returned to hazy, my hearing again became muffled and my body was no longer in my control. A vicious, feral growl filled the room as I noticed the shadowy figure that had previously been my dad take a step back.

“Blaze, you in control son?”

“Mine,” was the only thing my wolf would answer as he again took over the controls of my body and began fighting against the restraints keeping us locked in this room.

“For Christ sake Blaze, you need to learn how to control that damn wolf of yours for longer than fifteen minutes, otherwise not only will you lose your mate, but I’ll be forced to had the pack over to someone else. Get it together and call me when you do.”

I was alone again, trapped in the dark pits of my mind. My only thought; when I find Baydon and Roxy I’m going to mark her and kill him. No-one takes what’s mine.


A/N 10 votes and 5 comments again until the next upload. Seems the only way I can get feedback is by putting up these things....

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