Chapter Fourteen

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Chapter Fourteen

"This is far from over arsehole. Your head is mine," venom had dripped from Blaze's words as I watched him walk away. My neck and legs were aching, I was covered in blood, dirt and wolf saliva. There was a chunk of fur missing from both my leg and my throat.

I didn't want to risk shifting to my human form until I had started to heal, so I snuck into the overgrowth, heading for the next pack's territory. I had a plan forming in my mind and it involved our animal naighbours. Hopefully they went for my idea, I had worked to hard for this. Planting doubt into the minds of other pack members about Roxy as a possible Luna, and as a femme-wolf in general had only been the beginning. I couldn't let Blaze mark her, it would ruin everything.

All of these months of watching out for Roxy had cause me to fall in love with her. She is the most perfect femme-wolf I have ever met, and I planned to make her mine.

Whatever the cost.

I was approaching the neighbouring border, thankfully they were a small pack, so there was no-one patrolling the area. The Alpha's house was within my sights in minutes, and I headed straight for it, bumping my head against the door as a form of knocking.

The Alpha answered the door and instantly went into a attack stance upon seeing a strange wolf at his doorstep. We had met before, through pack business, buut he had never seen my wolf before.

"Shift back," he ordered. I shook my head, I could ignore his order as he wasn't my Alpha, and held out my injured leg for him to see.

"Are you from this pack?" Alpha Luke obviously didn't see me as a threat, which was good for me. I again shook my wolfish head at his question.

"A neighbouring pack then?" I nodded this time.

"Are you here for friendly purposes?" Again I nodded.

"Alright then, come in and I'll call our doctor for you. Have you been attacked by a wild?"

When I shook my head he let out a relived sigh. Wilds are every packs worst nightmare. Most of them are far more animalistic than human, and they almost always attack. For some reason they seem to develop a fear of connecting with others of their kind.

Alpha Luke held the door open wide and gestured me to enter. I limped over the threshhold and waited for direction.

"Over here on this lounge. Rest up and I'll call the doctor. When she checks you over I want you to shift to your human form, provided she gives the all clear of course. Just sit tight and it shouldn't be too long." I nodded in acknowledgement, and he left to make the phone call. I curled up on the lounge cushions to wait. This plan had to be perfect. I had to be careful how I approached the Alpha with my deal. Hopefully he will go for it and then all I have to do is figure out how to make Roxy go along with it as well.

Without her knowing what I have planned.


A/N I know this is short but I felt the need to get this out. Let me know what you think.

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