Chapter Three

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Dedicated to locochika12. My first ever fan so thanks for your support!!


Chapter Three

Roxy's POV.

I startled myself awake, something that I overheard last night suddenly made sense in my half asleep state. I slapped myself in the forehead. How could I have missed that, I questioned in my mind. My birthday is in two days, and I'll be turning sixteen. Of course, that would be when Blaze planned on telling me that we are mates. That only gave me a short amount of time to plan how I was going to reject him. I could have taken the easy way out and run away from my problem, but I didn't want to leave. This was my home and I love it here.

That only really left me one option, I needed to verbally and physically reject him before he did anything to awaken my half of the bond. If my side of the bond was set into motion, I knew, I wouldn't be able to reject him without it almost killing me.

I would have to do anything and everything to make him not want me. Starting now. Instead of wearing my usual skinny jeans, fitted top, and low heeled boots. I dressed in my old workout shorts, and an oversize football shirt, and my trainers. Instead of leaving my straight, black hair flowing down my back, I tied it up into a tight bun at the nape of my neck. I left my face make-up free, not even outlining my hazel-green eyes in their usual black eyeliner, or mascara. I brushed my teeth, and checked myself out in the mirror. Not a curve to be seen on my usually flaunted, slim, yet womanly shaped body. At least, for now, I could focus on making myself appear to be unappealing to the eye, and hope that it started to turn him off wanting me. Nodding at my reflection, I snatched up my bag, grabbed my house keys and headed out the door to school.

Anna met me at the entrance, her auburn curls bouncing around her heart-shaped face as she hopped from one foot to the next in obvious excitement. I held a groan back as I approached her, she undoubtedly had something exciting to tell me judging from her body that looked to be shaking with the thrill of her untold news. She peered at me through her slitted brown eyes, mouth dropping open as she furrowed her eyebrows at me before simply raising her left eyebrow questioningly at my attire.

I sighed before muttering, "Don't even ask."

"Wasn't gunna" she obviously lied to me while nodding her head along to what I could only imagine was some tune in her head. She started spiralling off into the happenings and gossip tidbits of the occurrences at the party last night. I barely noticed what she was saying, I just nodded my head occasionally whilst we strolled towards our first class. I had been glancing around, discretely, trying to see if I could spot Blaze anywhere around. The earlier I started trying to break the bond, the better it would be for everyone involved. I was snapped back to my surroundings when my forehead was on the receiving end of a particularly forceful slap.

"Are you even listening to me, Roxanne Lei Sparks?" Anna angrily asked me.

 Oh shit, full name! I thought to myself before I nodded at her, plastering a falsely enthusiastic smile on my face. An evil glint appeared in her eyes. Seriously, sometimes I worry about that girl, she has far too many evil faces for it to be considered normal.

"So you do realise that you just agreed to help out at the car wash the football team is holding tomorrow? And that if you try to be a no-show you gave me full permission to tie you to the flagpole out front and throw paint filled balloons at you," she finished with an evil giggle while moving her hands to her hips, jutting one hip out to the side.

I just glared down at her petite five and a half foot frame, shaking my head and balling my hands into fists by my sides.

"I did no such thing. Why is the football team holding a car wash anyway?" I demanded to know, trying to control the anger I could feel bubbling up in my veins like hot lava.

"We are raising money for new uniforms and equipment for next years challenge matches, and you did agree, maybe if you didn't zone out when I was talking, you would have noticed the way I slipped in into the conversation back there," she mocked me, stomping her foot childishly.

"Ok, fine, whatever. I'll just be in charge of the cash box. I'm not washing any cars, but I don't have a problem taking all those perverts money." As I said this, I noticed Anna taking a few sneaky, sly steps backwards, putting some distance between us. I quirked an eyebrow at her wondering what she was up to when I saw guilt flash through her eyes before she whispered something and then took off down the hall as fast as her legs could carry her.

It took me a few moments to decipher what she had said before realisation dawned, and I took off chasing after her. I found her trying to hid behind Frankie Eames - her mate - as his eyes wildly scanned the area looking for any danger. Anna had discovered Frankie was her mate at her sweet sixteen birthday three months earlier, poor guy had kept it a secret from everyone since his sixteenth birthday, eight months before Anna's.

His eyes landed on me and relief flooded his features before he watched me stalk towards Anna with anger embedded in every step. I stopped right in front of them before growling out.

"I hope I did not hear you say that you have already volunteered me for the Bikini Brigade."

Anna slowly made her way around Frankie, wrapping his muscular arms around her and pushing herself back into his toned chest before slowly nodding her head at me. I let out a low, throaty growl in annoyance before launching myself at her, trying to drag her from Frankie's protective grip. She was squirming in his arms while I was attempting to get a stong enough hold to pull her away.

We were beginning to draw a crowd, and I briefly wondered why no-one was interfering when I heard a heartwarming, manly voice call out.

"Need a hand Frankie?"


I saw Frankie nod at him out of the corner of my eye, and seconds later I felt two warm hands snake around my waist, and I was pulled away from my goal.

I slapped the hands away before spinning on the spot and landing a hard slap across his flawless cheek. The sound echoed all around us. Without thinking or hesitation, I bellowed forcefully in his face.

"Keep your fucking hands off of me, you nasty arse parasite," I glared at him with forced hatred in my eyes, I couldn't truly hate him, he had done nothing to deserve it.

I watched his face as realisation flashed through his sexy green eyes, and he dropped his hands to his sides, and stood up ramrod straight before whispering, "Roxanne," with adoration and devotion evident in that one single word. Shock, fear and sorrow then filled his eyes as his mind must have caught up with what I had just screamed at him. All of this had occurred in a matter of seconds. I gave Blaze one last glare before swinging my body around and storming off towards the girls bathroom.

This was not how I wanted to start my day.

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