Chapter Thirty - Six

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Emily and I have been dating each other exclusively now for almost six months, and it had been some of the best months of my life. After our first date the chemistry between us was obvious so we immediately decided to be exclusive. Basically we were boyfriend and girlfriend, although we almost never called each other that, we didn't need to really, it seemed like everyone in the pack picked up on the vibes between us straight away.

After discovering how in tune we were with each other and how much of a beautiful soul Emily had I had spent the last few months trying to make up for my atrocious behaviour towards her when she first moved to the pack.

My mum and Emily's father had taken over trying to decipher the revelation, Emily and I had made no progress and the Elders were starting to get slightly worried because, after all, it did mention an upcoming war. Although we still helped out with it occasionally, we made mainly started to focus on 'us'.

A few weeks into our dating Emily revealed how much she loved the outdoors, although most wolves do some of the she-wolves only like it in wolf form, with this new information I planned a weekend camping trip with her down by a creek that ran though our territory. We had stayed up all night the first night and told ghost stories, revealed some of our inner most secrets and just getting to know one another more. The second day we had gone for a long run together in wolf form before falling asleep next to one another in the sun. When we had awoken we made our way back to our camp site and changed back to our human forms before starting a small camp fire and roasting marshmallows to make smores. On Sunday we slept almost all day before taking a small swim in the creek, which was extremely difficult in the almost two feet of water we had, but we still tried. When we returned to the pack house Emily had thanked me with a deep, passionate kiss that left me hanging for more.

A week later and Emily surprised me with tickets to a drag race meet, I had only told her about my passion for cars a few days earlier so I had no idea how she organised them so quickly. That night was the first time Emily asked me if I wanted to stay the night with her. Of course I said yes and we spent an amazing night together complete with candles, massage oil, and a lot of nakedness.

The relationship between us had been developing quickly and before I knew it I had asked her to move into my room with me, to my surprise she agreed.

From then on we were almost inseparable, we spent nights in curled up on the lounge watching movies, went swimming at a beach around an hour away, joined our friends on double or triple dates, attended parties together, we even destroyed one floor of the house making an enormous army fort with pillows and blankets one afternoon when we were feeling particularly energetic and childish.

Every day I am grateful that Emily forgave me and gave me a chance with her. She makes me feel a sense of completion that I have never felt before and being with her made me forget about any troubles I was having.

Basically she made me happy, from what I could tell I made her happy and I was pretty certain I was falling in love with her, hard and fast. Even my wolf was happy with her, so much so that whenever I even thought about Roxy he would let out a vicious growl and start pointing out all her faults, he did this until I stopped thinking about her completely.

It had been months since I had even thought my true mates name, and I couldn't have been happier.


A/N I know, I know. Extremely short, but it is a filler. Maybe when I edit it later on I'll extend the shorter chapters a bit more ,but for now this is all I've got. I'll be updating a little more regularlyfor the next few chapters as they are short and already written.

Please support my story in the Watty Awards by voting and commenting, I'd really appreciate it

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