Chapter Twenty-One

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Chapter Twenty - One

A moment of panic filled my mind as I slowly shifted around the bed. Someone was in here with me and I couldn’t remember who. I could feel a hand slowly making soothing circles across my hips as I wiggled around trying to break free of the person holding me.

“What’s the matter Rox?” Baydon’s voice filled me ears as calm replaced the panic and memories from last night flooded my mind.

“Nothing, everything is fine. Just getting comfortable is all.” I didn’t want to tell him I had forgotten about our conversation last night.

“Don’t get too comfortable, I have to get up shortly and go see my family here and sort some things out. Did you want to come?” He still sounded sleepy. I twisted myself around in his arms so I could look at him. His face had healed while we had slept, all traces of the fights yesterday gone.

“I need to buy a laptop and one of those portable internet stick things. I have an online course on Wednesday nights and I want to be prepared for that. Can we do that first and then I’ll come with you?” Wednesday was still a few days away but this course was important to me, I knew my parents would sort out something at school for me but I didn’t want to miss anything else if I could help it.

“You do an online course? What for?” Baydon sounded shocked, I didn’t really like to tell a lot of people about it but I figured he would need to know about it now.

“I started my teacher’s degree early. My grades meant that I could enrol in it now and do the first year while still finishing high school. I have an online lesson and group discussion Wednesday nights and then I work on my assignments and online materials during the week.” Only my parents and Anna knew about my course up until know and I was waiting for Baydon to call me a nerd.

“Wow, that’s impressive Roxy. Sure we can get the things you need with the money your dad gave us to use and then we will head out to see my family for lunch. Is that alright?” He sounded nervous as he asked me, which I couldn’t understand. There was no need to be nervous, was there?

“That’s fine. Let’s get organised then and head out. Can’t stay cooped up in here all day doing nothing,” I climbed off the bed and went to my bag of clothes, selecting out an outfit as I heard Baydon mumbling under his breath.

“I didn’t quite catch that, what did you say?” I knew exactly what he had said but I wanted to make him say it out loud.

“I said, I can think of plenty of things we can do cooped up in here all day,” even though there was a sexy looking smirk on his face I could also see a slight pink tinge covering his cheeks. He was embarrassed. I took a few steps back towards him as he clambered on the bed as well. Pressing my body up against his I wrapped my hands in his hair and pushed my face close to his so that our lips were almost touching.

“And what would those things be boyfriend of mine?” My voice was husky as it whispered, my lips gently brushing against his as I spoke. A growl left his lips before his hands wound their way around my body and he planted his lips on mine in a passionate kiss that had my knees turning to jelly. All too quick for my liking the kiss was over and Baydon was looking at me through lust filled eyes.

“Your actions would show you know exactly what I’m talking about you little minx.” His voice was gruff and his lips slightly red from the pressure of the kiss we had just shared.

“I have no idea what you are talking about,” I threw back at him as I turned to leave the room and get changed.

My arse was given a sharp slap as Baydon laughed his reply, “I’m sure you have no idea.”

Breaking BondsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora