Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

As I watched Roxanne kiss my best friend, I was instantly filled with heartbreak and fury. It was beyond torture, and I was unsure of which emotion I should act upon first. I decided the safest option was to run.

I couldn't risk attacking Baydon, even though my wolf was roaring for me to do, because Roxanne was pressed up against him and I couldn't bear it if I hurt her during my attack.

I flew out the door, rage taking over my body as I burst into my large, silver wolf. I was running on all fours now and let my inner beast take control as I nestled, into a corner of my mind, to wallow in self-pity.

After an unknown amount of time had passed, I found myself to be pacing the backyard of my house. I shifted back, having relaxed enough from my run, and headed inside. I adjusted my clothes as I walked through the back kitchen door, I had always found the myth about us losing our clothes when we shifted to be hilarious and thought about it every time I shifted back to my human form.

I paused in the doorway when I heard the voice's of my parents and another male I didn't immediately recognise. I inhaled deeply through my nose, my eyes closed in concentration, and settled my automatic defenses down when I realised the scent, and therefore, the voice, belonged to Dr Lachlan, the head of medical staff for our pack.

"... and if she doesn't accept him in the next year and be marked then she will die. It's a long and painful process, and I thought you should know considering you will be affected," I heard the end of what Dr Lachlan had been explaining to me parents as I slowly walked into the room. As they sensed me in the room, the three of them jumped from their seats, looking at me with worried expressions.

Hmmm, that's a little weird.

"Who are you talking about," I quizzed them, focusing on the doctor as he looked at me with pity and sadness in his soft brown eyes.

"Son, I think you better sit down and tell us what happened tonight," my dad firmly requested. I instantly began to worry. What did they know? What was going on here? Was it about Roxanne and I? If it was how did they find out? I decided to find out before I offered them an explanation.

"How about I sit down and you," I paused and pointed at the people in the room, "tell me," I paused again, "what you know," I propositioned, and moved to take a seat away from them.

"Well we know about Roxanne and what happened tonight," Dad looked towards Mum for support. This must be bad. "So, the thing is ummm. Dr Lachlan would you care to explain. From a professional view."

"To put it bluntly Blaze, when you touched Roxanne, you started the bond for her. By her rejecting you, her wolf has started the slow and painful method of shutting down her body," the doctor explained, in a hurry, while looking around the room at anything but me.

"Soooooo........ That means," I trailed off, not fully understanding the rushed explanation.

"It means that unless she accepts you and you mark her, she will die in about a year." Now that's putting it bluntly, I thought, before it dawned on me. She is killing herself, slowly and painfully, just to avoid me.

I lost all control and exploded in flashes of fur before the red haze in my mind took over my vision. I was frightfully unaware of what was happening. All I could assume was that my wolf had lost complete and utter control at the thought of his mate being in so much pain leading up to her self inflicted death.

I could vaguely hear my mother's screams as my father ordered everyone to get out of the house. Through the red haze, I could make out a shadowy wolf figure as it lept towards me and tackled me to the ground. I was pinned, and my wolf didn't like it, he snapped and snarled at the figure above us, as he struggled to get his body lose.

"Get it together boy, rein him in." That was Dad's voice echoing in my head.

I couldn't attack my dad, and I knew he must be struggling with the idea of attacking his only son, as werewolves only pushed their thought into the mid of another, in emergencies. I began the struggle to gain control of my wolf. Shit, he was fighting hard to keep himself dominant, he must be seriously pissed. Eventually I broke through, I think he wore himself out with the mental and physical fights he was invovled in simultaneously. I instantly shifted back to my human form for the second time this evening. Dad relaxed his hold on me the moment he saw my body change, and he shifted back himself.

"You got control Blaze," he barked at me. I nodded, he tediously lifted himself off me, and offered his hand to help me to stand upright.

I could take in my surroundings now that the red haze had lifted. The indigo lounges had been sitting on only minutes ago, had all been viciously slashed. The chestnut, coffee table and matching end tables lay in smithereens, scattered across the shredded beige carpet that was also littered with the destroyed remains of many lamps, mirrors and photo frames that had previously decorated the room.

"Hooooeeeee-llleeeee Shit," I muttered under my breath. I was dumbfounded by what was in front of me. How was it even possible to create that much destruction in such a small amount of time?

"Holy shit is an understatement," Dad chuckled next to me.

"Tell me I didn't do all that?" I half pleaded as I gestured around the room.

"Well I broke an end table and a few of the ugly lamps, but the rest is all on you buddy," he clapped me on the shoulder. I took in all the mess that lay in front of me. The sight of what happened when I lost the complete control of my wolf, to be honest, it scared me.

"You wanna tell me what happened this time?" Dad interrupted my thoughts, questioning why I was suddenly just a dangerous mo-fo.

"Dunno, I mean, all I saw was red and then I lost all control over the wolf. I was totally unaware of what was happening." I hung my head in shame as the thoughts of what could have happened if Dad hadn't reacted so quickly. I suddenly remembered what had caused all of this in the first place and felt the grief of earlier wash over me.

"She can't die Dad, there has to be a reason why she did what she did. I can't let her go through with the rejection. I refuse to let her die," I finished in a whisper.

Dad placed his hand on my shoulder in an attempt to comfort and reassure me before he spoke, "We will find out what has caused her behaviour, rest assured son, we will not let her die."

I truly hoped so, I didn't want to think about what would happen if she did.

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