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"Please sign here Miss" my lawyer says pointing to the line on the paper

I sign on the line, finishing up the last of the forms. I'm at the police station filling out some legal documents that followed after my parents' death with the police Chief and my lawyer. Apparently I've inherited $2.5 million from them as well as $500,000 from the condo which I sold. From our home, I only kept the things that I thought I should keep like little nick-nacks from Rey's room, photos, and things I thought had actual significant value to my parents

I don't plan on keeping all their money though, I plan on donating majority of it to a few charities of my choice. I never wanted my parents' money and I have everything I need, I just feel like there's other people out there that would need the money more than I do

"Thank you for your cooperation Miss. Akagi" the police Chief says, sticking his hand out for me to shake

"Thank you both" I say shaking their hands before leaving the office

"Done chicken?" Javi asks standing up from the chair in the waiting room

I simply nod my head and the three of us, make our way out of the station for what hopefully is the last time

"I wish we could get a break" I say when Javi backs out of the parking lot and drives towards the rink

"Charlie-chan, don't worry we'll get a break soon but NHK is coming up" Yuzu says from the front seat

It's been a day since we got back from Beijing and we would be leaving for Sapporo in 3 days for the NHK Trophy

"You got 2 golds already Charlie. I wouldn't be surprised if got gold again at NHK" Javi says from behind the wheel

"Charlie need to bend your knees more. Yuzu makes sure you're on the right edge. Javi keep up with the group" Coach calls as he skates alongside us

I love edge practice because it's probably the easiest practice gets. Don't get me wrong though, landing triples and flying into spins is mg passion but sometimes laying back and doing edges is relaxing

Javi, Yuzu, and I are making our way around the ice as Coach is calling out instructions to us

We're doing one foot pulleys around the ice and I can feel my calfs burning

"I can't do this anymore Coach" Javi calls panting a little

"Hurry up Javi or else the ship will sail without you" Coach teases

"YUZULOTTE CAN'T SAIL WITHOUT THEIR CAPTAIN!" Javi shouts as he powers through across the ice, making his way towards us

I decide to play him a little as I poke Yuzu's shoulder and tell him to "Hurry up" and the two of us push faster, leaving Javi in the dust

"Guys! That's unfair!" Javi pants from a distance

Give me love ( a yuzuru hanyu fanfic) UNDER MAJOR EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now