Chapter 18

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Escaped: Chapter 18

A/N: Sorry it's so short! :(

"What happened?" I asked Eleanor.

She leaned back clearly preparing for a story.

I did the same.

"It wasn't incredibly long ago," she began. "When I was living with my boyfriend, Adam, who was a total d-bag, by the way. He'd..." She went silent for a second, like she didn't like the memory. "He'd hit me and fuck other girls and beat me when I did the same. And he raped me. More than once..."

"I'm so sorry," I put an arm around her.

She shrugged.

"Louis witnessed him beating me while we were out at a club and he didn't appreciate it. He followed us home. He always tells me that he did it because he couldn't stand to see an angel in the hands of such a monster."

She blushed.

God damn! They were so cute!

She went on.

"Louis followed us home. He placed a pillow over Adam's head while he slept, and he shot him," she said, like she didn't care.

I gasped.

"No, it's fine. I hated him. He was... Everything in life that I despised. He convinced me that I was worthless. That I deserved everything he did to me."

She scowled

"Anyways, Lou took me with him. I was kind of freaked out, but I had no family left, Adam was all I had so I didn't really try to escape. I saw it as more of an adventure, you know? He treated me just fine, sure he yelled a little bit, scared me. But he didn't rape me. He didn't beat me. After awhile Louis asked me why I never tried to escape and I told him it was because he was the best thing that ever happened to me."

She smiled at me.

"Wow..." I said, unsure of what to say.

"I guess," I looked up at her. "After seeing them on the news and stuff you kind of just assume that they're all monsters. You think you know them, but you really don't." I let out a hollow laugh and wiped the tears from my eyes.

Eleanor laughed. She grasped my hand.

"Liam's going to be okay," she said, comfortingly. "He's had worse."

"So I've heard."

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