Chapter 28

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Escaped: Chapter 28

Bullets were flying everywhere, breaking windows and splintering the crates in the corner.

It was total chaos.

I saw Siva's body fall to the ground instantly and the third guy cried out in pain, undoubtably having been hit. The table was flipped and people were taking cover behind it.

I flinched when I felt someone behind me.

"Shh," a voice said in my ear. "It's only me."

"Liam!" I sobbed.

He began undoing my bonds.

"You didn't really think I'd leave you, did you?" He shouted over the commotion.

He picked me up bridal style and yelled "let's go!"

The rest of the guys all started backing out of the room, keeping their weapons up.

Harry, being the last to leave, stopped in the doorway and bowed dramatically.

"Thank you and goodnight!" He called.

"Always the comic relief," I croaked and he chuckled beside me.

"Hurry," Louis called. "There's now way others wouldn't have heard that."

We were running, well, they were running, I was being carried.
They ran outside and gravel crunched under their boots.

I was the beautiful sight of Harry's Range Rover.

Liam gently set me down in the backseat. He and Niall slid in on either side of me, Louis taking shotgun and Harry driving.

"Where's Zayn?" I groaned.

"At the cabin with Eleanor and Perrie, packing up," Louis answered.

"Packing? Where are we going?"

He looked at me and chuckled like I was so innocent and ignorant, which I'm sure I was.
"Well, you can't expect us to stay there anymore, can you?"


We stayed quiet as Harry and Louis quietly discussed strategy or something, in the front.

Niall and I occasionally groaning we hit bumps and pot holes.

"You okay?" I asked him.

He looked at me and grinned.
"If you're okay, then I'm okay," he said.

I gave him a weak smile and a thumbs up.

I felt Liam put an arm around my shoulder.
"I'm glad you're alright, Charlotte," he said. "I couldn't bear it if anything happened to you," he whispered, his face in my hair.

I leaned into him and chuckled.

"What?" He asked.

I shrugged, but then winced.
"Just look at me," I said. "Running around with One Direction, getting chased by rival gangs, being stuck with the five biggest idiots of all time-"

The car was filled with protests.

"- but it just feels right, ya know? Like it's where I'm supposed to be," I finished.

"Aw! Char!" Harry said, smiling at me in the rear view mirror.

"Not to mention," Liam said. "That you have the best boyfriend in the world."

I looked at him, first in surprise but then I felt my face break into a grin.


Did he just say boyfriend?

He leaned down and kissed me, gently but hungrily.

My face turned red as Niall, Louis, and Harry all started calling out at us.

We broke apart, I buried my face into Liam's side, and he put his arm around me as we endured the endless teasing the rest of the drive home.

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