I Percy

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  • Dedicated to Rick Riordan, the creator of a wonderful world for me to get lost in.

“Come on!” Percy shouted behind him, running up the steep rocky slope.

They were running from some of Gaea’s minions, some sort of rock monster by the looks of them. The problem was, there was rock everywhere. Rocks were constantly being thrown over their heads, and the pebbles beneath them slid under their feet.

Percy could hear the others panting behind him, but didn’t chance a glance back. They had to keep going. But, Percy didn’t know how long they could go on.

Up ahead, the fog cleared away just enough for Percy to see the rocky terrain split into two paths. He slowed for the others to catch up, ducking flying boulders, and trying to avoid shifting gravel.

Jason came up to him, panting, “Wh...which way?”

“I don’t know,” Percy gasped, clutching his knees, “I just didn’t want to choose the wrong one.”

Soon Annabeth, Leo, and Piper caught up, with Frank and Hazel close behind. Percy allowed them to catch their breath for a few seconds before asking, “Which one do we take?”

“The left one” Annabeth said immediately.

Percy raised an eyebrow, but didn’t ask how she knew that. He’d learned not to argue against her, she was right too often.

He grabbed her hand and darted down the left path. The terrain quickly changed from a path on the edge of a mountain, to a ledge on the side of the mountain. And it was none too wide. Percy had to lead Annabeth over it sideways.

Behind him, Percy heard a scuffle and a shriek of pain. Looking back, Percy saw Jason holding Piper as she shivered, from fear or pain he didn’t know.

“I can’t go on!” Piper was saying, “My ankle...”

Jason lifted her into his arms, “Shh. I’ll carry you. Hold on, Pipes.”

Jason nodded to Percy, and Percy led the group forward. Sliding along the ridge, holding Annabeth’s hand, Percy thought about his mother. He hadn’t seen her in over a year. Her brown hair and tired smile which had brightened so much since she’d married Paul. He missed her with all of his heart, but that wouldn’t matter until Gaea was gone.

A rock soared so close to his face that Annabeth screamed, “Look out!” he flattened himself against the rock on his left to avoid the rubble.

He looked at Annabeth and the other demigods. Their tired expressions told him they wouldn’t be able to keep up much longer. Percy was getting worn out himself.

He turned to the black girl with long frizzy hair, “Hazel, is there a cave nearby?”

Hazel placed her hand on the cold rock, “There should be one right about...” The wall of the mountain shuddered, then rumbled, and the rocks began to slide.

Hazel pushed Frank back before he could walk right into the avalanche.

Once the rumbling subsided, there was a gaping hole in the side of the mountain. Hazel stepped on top of the rock pile and grinned at Percy, “...right about here. This good enough?”

“Perfect. Let’s go!” They dove into the darkness as a boulder the size of a car flattened itself against the cliff, right where they had been standing, trapping them in the blackness.

Leo set his hand on fire so they could make out each other’s faces.

“Now what?” Jason asked, setting Piper down gently.

“We rest.” Percy said.

“Right,” Annabeth agreed, “We need to gather our strength while we can.”

Percy Jackson Blood of Olympus (Percy Jackson fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now