Chapter 6

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I headed for the kitchen placed some of the leftover food from our journey in the refrigerator. I opened one bottle of energy drink just to pump up my nerves. Something inside me said that Jonathan wasn’t safe… YET. I went to the bathroom next and changed into a comfortable tank top over my skinny jeans. I let my hair down and it fell on my shoulders all the way to my back. I brushed it and washed my face. I stepped out of the bathroom and phoned the General, waiting for orders.

“Mission accomplished, General.” I reported. “We’re safe.”

“Good job, Steel.” He commended. “I expect you to return to the Headquarters by tonight. Leave the area at once.”

“At once, General?” I exclaimed in shock. “But, shouldn’t I see first if there are any threats to Jonathan’s life here? We can never tell which place is safe or not. And the boy needs help in adjusting. Obviously, he isn’t suited for a life and an environment like this.” I reasoned out.

“Steel,” he began in his most stern voice. “Are you forgetting that I am your commander in this mission?”

“No, Sir. But with all due respect, please let me stay with Mr. Kress and make sure that he’s alright before The Hawk sends agents for his return to Division 1.” I insisted. I paced back and forth, hoping the General would understand. I hated being in Jonathan’s presence but I didn’t want to put to waste everything that I worked for. I didn’t want to leave Jonathan just yet. Who knows what reckless thing he could do when I’m no longer around to supervise him? “Jonathan ran away, General.” I sighed. “What makes you think he won’t do it again?”

“Orders are orders, Steel. You must leave the area and return to the Headquarters at once.”

“Yes General.”

I was left without a choice. I hung up and headed for Jonathan’s room. I twisted the knob of the door and saw him fast asleep. Maybe, if I left now, it would be much easier. There was something about Jonathan that made me want to stay, that made me want to spend more time with him, that made me want to get to know him better. I didn’t want to say goodbye so I decided that I won’t. I’d just disappear without a trace and he’d know that my mission was done, that everything was all over.

I picked up my pack and headed for the woods. But before I could get out the door, I heard a small beeping noise. Beep, beep, beep. I glanced at my watch and chceked if it was an alarm I forgot to set off, but it wasn’t. I tried to look for the mysterious noise and heard it from my right side. Beep, beep, beep. I followed it as it went on and on. Beep, beep, beep. I kept on following the noise, finally walking to the couch. I heard it once more and my intuition sensed that it was coming from underneath the coffee table. I crouched down, hoping to figure out what it was. Beep, beep, beep. I had a bad feeling about the sound. I looked underneath the table and my eyes widened. Beep, beep, beep. A bomb was strapped under the table.


“Jonathan, wake up!” I repeatedly bellowed at Jonathan who was lying on the bed fast asleep. He must’ve been so tired from our long hike. “Get up!” I continued shaking him and swatting his arms. Finally, he opened his ocean blue eyes and looked straight at me. For a moment, we stared at each other in silence until a thought crossed my mind: BOMB. NO MORE TIME. GET OUT OF HERE.

I took Jonathan’s hand and pulled him up with ease. “Get up! We don’t have much time!” I dragged him towards the door but he wouldn’t let me pull him any further.

“Wait,” he gasped, out of breath. “What’s going on?”

“We’re running out of time!” I screamed tightening the grip I had on his hand. “We walked right into a trap.”

“What do you mean? What trap?” he asked, confused. “Could you please tell me what’s going on?”

I didn’t reply, instead, I pulled him closer and picked up the remaining unpacked bag that was placed on top of the dining table. I also got the chance to grab my backpack as we headed for the nearest exit. “We’re out of time…” Soon, Jonathan and I were bursting out the door and heading for the woods.

“Stop.” Jonathan said as collected and as serious as he could. I yielded.

Before he could say something again, I qucikly filled him with information. “There’s a bomb inside the Bunker.”

“A what?”

And all of a sudden, we heard a loud explosion coming from the direction of the Safe House. The ground trembled and Jonathan and I fell hard on the ground. My legs were tangled and I felt pain shoot through my right ankle. Just when I thought it was over, we heard another explosion coming from the same direction. Wood and debris soared high in the air and I could see angry red and orange flames through the leafless branches of the trees around us. I watched in disbelief as another explosion took place. The ground shook once more and I saw the whole Safe House crumble and shatter into a thousand pieces.

I looked at Jonathan, his eyes were wide with so much fear and amazement. I didn’t feel fear. Instead, all I felt was betrayal. Nobody could’ve known the exact location of our Safe House aside from our agency. I narrowed my eyes as smoke rose above the clear blue sky, turning it into a shade of pale periwinkle.

I dug my nails to the ground as another perturbing thought crossed my mind. This is the reason why The General wanted me to leave the area at once. What if I hadn’t left? What if I didn’t obey the General’s commands? He knew that I wouldn’t. He knew I was stubborn. He knew that I’d do anything to make sure that the job was done clean and successful. What if I didn’t see the bomb? What if it had exploded as soon as I left the Bunker? They would’ve killed Jonathan. That’s what they wanted after all: TO KILL JONATHAN.

A heavy feeling was rising in my chest. I felt deceived by the people I trusted, by the people I worked with. I knew who they were now and what they are. The Hawk was part of The Alliance all along. I felt anger and rage. I wanted to get back at them, I wanted to lay my hands on them and avenge our nearly taken lives. I wanted to bring them down. Right now, at that very moment, all I wanted to do was to DESTROY THEM.

This is what they trained me for.

I will DESTROY THEM. Watch me, I WILL.

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