Chapter 41

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When I woke up, Jonathan was gone and I was tucked in my sheets. I realized that I had slept before sunset even came. I propped myself up with an elbow and felt a slight ache erupt in my head.

“Emilie?” I called out.

“Yes, Master?” Emilie’s unfailing voice popped out of nowhere.

“Where’s Jonathan?” I asked her, not meaning to sound too sharp.

“He’s downstairs, Master Steel. He insisted on preparing breakfast for you.”

“But he hasn’t gotten any sleep!” I wailed, throwing down the covers of my bed as I fumbled for my bedroom slippers. I did a quick mirror check in the bathroom, brushing my hair and washing my face. I brushed my teeth and headed downstairs, mindful of the fact that Jonathan was still here in my mansion.

My heart was racing at the simple thought of him as I descended the stairs towards the dining area. I thought I’d be eating breakfast alone and I was suddenly thankful for Jonathan deciding to stay with me.

I reached the dining area to find the table perfectly set with food on the table. The smell of blueberry pancakes wafted through the air and the sight of them on the table was simply mouthwatering. There was also bacon and sunny-side up eggs cooked just the way I wanted it. I walked over to table but was stopped just as a pair of arms encircled my waist.

“Good morning, beautiful.” Jonathan warmly greeted giving me a kiss on the cheek. “Breakfast is served.”

“You prepared this yourself?” I asked him, stunned.

“Yes.” He answered. “I learned to cook when Dad wasn’t around. I asked your servants to lay off making breakfast. I told them I’ll whip up something for you in a while.”

“You haven’t gotten a wink of sleep, haven’t you?” I worried.

“I slept for an hour or so.” He pinched my cheek, leaving a slightly reddish mark on my skin.

“Go get rest when you get home, would you?”

“Yes, boss.” He nodded, enveloping me tighter.

“Jonathan,” I started, swallowing. “Won’t they know about us?”

“Sssshhh…” he said, kissing my cheek again. “Just eat, I’ll explain.”

“Won’t Lilith be looking for you?” I asked him, worrying about his wife back home. I knew what we were doing was wrong and it was unfair to Lilith. My conscience was telling me to send him away but my heart was asking me to keep him for only a few hours. I was immediately torn apart between these two forces but in the end, my heart won over my head once more. I was madly in love with Jonathan and I’d do anything to spend extra time with him, my forbidden piece of perfection.

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