Chapter 24

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How could I have given myself up so easily? Why had I told Lauren that I couldn’t be trusted? I blew my cover before I even started to act. I missed my chance before I could even take hold of it. And it was all because of my stupid fault.

“Hey.” Lauren called out, nudging me with her toe. We were already in Division 31 and we had convinced their local government officers not to go against other divisions despite the incoming war. Actually, it was me who convinced them and talked to them. Lauren couldn’t because she was still on the run. I, on the other hand, was a son of one of the officers of The Control and I had something to prove it. I admit, I wasn’t as good as Lauren but I used my charisma against them and it worked.

They told me that The Alliance has reached them and promised them a position when they succeed in taking over The Control. Division 31 yielded under their conditions but I managed to convince them not to do as they had ordered, which was to bomb Division 32 and 33, which remained faithful to The Control. We had informed them about the tragedy that occurred in Divisions 33 and 34 and told them that The Alliance will find a way to eliminate them and those who are weak in their division, those who will be useless when they created a new government, a new society just as Lauren had explained to me. Our hopes weren’t that high since it was about time that The Alliance figured out that Division 31 isn’t playing their part in the war.

“Hey.” I responded back, staring at the fire. It was a miracle I got the both of us through the border gates. I flashed them the piece of paper indicating I was on a mission for The Control and they let the both of us pass, not even bothering to check on Lauren’s identity. These watchmen should be fired for their laziness and this incident should be reported to The Control. Poorer divisions clearly lacked one thing: SECURITY.

“Rest up, I’ll take first watch.” She said, sitting right next to me in front of our campfire. Apparently, we were lucky to find a safe hiding place in the woods, secluded from both The Control and The Alliance. We had no sleeping bags so we were forced to lay down on the unfertile soil. I leaned back on the hard ground, facing the starry night sky. I still didn’t know why I had almost blown my cover in front of Lauren. There was definitely something about her that makes me malfunction all of a sudden. There was something about her that makes me forget about my mission and my purpose. I was meant to capture her, trust her, betray her. It was supposed to be a devised plan, an entrapment but how come I felt as if it was all coming true? How come I feel as if it wasn’t just a simple plan I thought of since I couldn’t tackle her physically? I was learning to trust her and in the long run, we were also learning to become… friends.

This time, I decided to keep my mouth shut. Any connection or conversation with Lauren would make things worse. I have to stick with the plan. I have to get my head in the game.

I came here so that I could capture a fugitive. I came here to get Lauren in my hands and bring her to The Control. I came here as her warning. I came here to catch her and bring her to President Knoxx for her to be executed. I came here as her angel; except I didn’t come here to protect her from both the threats of The Control and The Alliance. I came here for one certain thing, I came here as her angel of death.


“Rise and shine, sleepy head!” Lauren’s voice awoke me and I realized that I hadn’t kept watch last night. I arose up, rubbing my eyes, the rays of the sun momentarily blinding them.

STEEL (The Aurum Trilogy Book 1)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon