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First of all, I would like to thank God Almighty for giving me the passion and the capacity to put my ideas into words that could weave a whole new dimension for those who choose to read them and understand them. I thank Him for guiding me each night, speaking to me through the Holy Spirit, giving me the sound mind to think, and making me strong enough to withstand the pains of being a writer.

Second, I’d like to thank my Mom, who first knew about the plot of “Steel” and found it out of this world. I’d like to thank you for supporting my pen and paper dreams and for always understanding my tough schedule. I thank you for always being there to lift me up whenever I need you to. I love you so so much.

Next, I’d like to thank my book manager, Zam Maclang. I always lacked coherence but you were always there to glue pieces of my ideas together, you were always there to help me create the perfect plot and create the right kind of twists. Thank you, bro.

I’d also like to give my special acknowledgements to Nadine Agoncillo, my visual artist who made the fantastic cover of my first online published novel. Thank you for always entertaining my questions in the middle of the night and for doing my multimedia stuff ASAP. You’re the best, Sis!

Thank you also to the first few people who heard about “Steel” and who pushed me into going public and publishing my works. To Ate Shannen, who always rooted for Jonathan darling and who always waited eagerly for the next chapter, much love and thanks. You are the best Senior and writer buddy I can ever have. To Ate Hazel, who I think would bring me a black camel soon, thank you for being the first to finish reading “Steel” and for loving it even if I think it’s an amateur work. Thank you for your appreciation! To Misha, I miss you and thank you for being there too. Thank you for giving me the extra push and ooze of confidence that I need when I feel down. Thank you for always liking my posts in tumblr and for supporting me in my budding career.

Thank you to my long lost twin, Reanne for promoting my story and for taking time to read it. Thank you for always being patient with my sudden bursts of excitement and for giving me the idea of the mindblowing ending.

Thank you to Ms. Teptep Eugenio, my English teacher who volunteered to edit Part 1 and who always believed in my writing prowess. Many thanks also to Ms. Rita Ruivivar for training me to become the writer that I am today. Thanks also to Mrs. Vivien Ang-angco for nurturing my talent in writing and honing my English skills. Thanks to my Ms.Ana Hirang for believing in me and always keeping me optimistic.

Oh, this may sound silly and I may seem nonexistent but thank you Alexander Ludwig for the music that you provide to me which keeps me up at night. It helps during tough times and makes me believe that I can do the impossible. Sorry for fangirling much.

And of course, thank you to the few favorite authors that have inspired me to write this novel. Lauren Oliver, for believing in me and signing my “Delirium” with the words, “Hope to see your books in the shelves someday”. Thank you for being my inspiration in fulfilling my own dreams and writing via mobile even if people are jostling you and pushing you around. To Suzanne Collins, my ever favorite author of “The Hunger Games”, thank you for inspiring me to create Lauren Steel and her spunky attitude. Thank you also, for drawing me in to the world of dystopian literature.

Thank you to my batch mates, schoolmates, and friends that have taken their time to read this, vote for this and support this. Thank you to those who promoted “Steel” and acquired interest in this masterpiece of mine. Thank you, thank you, thank you for letting me finish my forbidden piece of perfection!

“Steel” won’t soar high without all of you.

P.S. A preview of the sequel, “Smoke” is included on the last pages of this book! Hope you enjoy it and keep on reading! :D

STEEL (The Aurum Trilogy Book 1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang