Chapter 25

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I was to find the ammunition room. I had no map, no familiarity with the building or any source of information at all. The only thing that could help me now was my instincts and my instincts told me to go right, so I did.

As I turned right and walked straight ahead, I came across a circular steel door which required an access card. I fished Lyca Simmons’ ID card that Daniel and I had retrieved from the arsenal when we had blown it to bits. She had the same dark hair as mines but our eye colors were very much different. My eyes were in a shade of forest green while hers were more of a golden brown like some fallen autumn leaves.

The security machine beeped and the door split into half with a flourish. “Access granted.”

“Thank you.” I mocked at exactly nobody. I returned the ID card in my vest pocket and walked as calm and collected as possible. A few people seemed to pass by but I blended in and walked unnoticeably. When a group would emerge from one of the halls, I’d join them and march along with them to wherever they were going, hoping I’d end up in the ammunition room. But I always ended up being brought to a conference hall or their training room, which was pretty spacious for a building with only one floor.

I decided to go on my own and feel my way out of this maze. I told myself to trust my instincts although it hasn’t been of much help lately. But I had a few options left. First, I couldn’t ask anybody on where the ammunitions room is, it would cost me my identity and Daniel and I won’t succeed in this prospect. Surely, the people who work for The Alliance know me and my popularity for fighting against them and destroying their own aircrafts. Second, if I stay any long under these surveillance cameras, there’s a possibility that the agents of this building would get to notice me and unravel my famous reputation to the world. Third, I couldn’t find a map or anything that clearly stated which direction I should go. So yes, I was pretty hopeless at the moment.

I wonder if Daniel was alright. He should be and he could probably be. He could take down a couple of aircrafts; getting information from an agency would be a walk in the park for him. He told me that he had a skill for hacking but it wasn’t well-practiced or even developed. Again, I wondered how he learned all those and why would he. Everything about him just seems so complicated. One moment, he is the Daniel that you know and would gladly spend time with. One moment, he can be very cold and odd. One moment, you can trust him and on the other, you can’t. He was like that but like I said, even if I had a thousand reasons not to trust them, I just didn’t want to give in to those.

I made a sharp turn to the right, thanking God that this was just an ordinary building with one floor. I kept my gun on my hands, ready to aim and fire in case something wrong happens and things get worse.

“Fall in, men!” a loud voice boomed in the hallway from behind me. Immediately guards began to file and do as they were told. “We stock our weapons then proceed to The General.” So The General was still in charge here, huh? Wait till we bring him down… I couldn’t wait to see him and kill him. I couldn’t wait to confront him right there then shoot him somewhere on his head. I smirked in an annoying manner but that quickly faded away when the man with a loud voice boomed again in the halls. “Find P-0001 and make me proud, sissies!”

P-0001? Heck, I haven’t’ heard of it or even studied about it. I have heard about it when I was a child back them in my mother’s arms. The term was very familiar to me but its purpose was unclear. I made a mental note to check out this P-0001 when I find time. Maybe I’d ask Daniel to accompany or better yet, I‘d ask Daniel do it himself. Poor kid.

Time was running out. I glanced at my watch and I realized that it’s almost night time. It could be a rainy sunset later but I didn’t mind. The Alliance could be going faster, getting closer and closer to The Control. I had no idea of helping The Control or helping The Alliance since I’ve been making little leaps and fitting my torso among a sea of people. I’ve also tried learning more about them. By gathering information and technology, we were giving them a head start in this game we’re playing. B­ut of course, I WASN’T GOING TO LET THEM WIN.

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