SMOKE (The Aurum Trilogy Book 2) Preview

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Name: Lauren Alison Steel

Age: Seventeen

Gender: Female

Birthdate: Unknown

Parents: Nonexistent

Location: Argentum


I repeated the basic information about me in my head and checked myself again, making sure I was real too. Dr. Carter told me that everything about my existence just happened in my head. I was shut down for seventeen years, unmoving and under observation. Everything that I had come to know was a big test, a part of a simulation.

"Lauren," The door opened and a girl whose dark hair was pulled up in a tight ponytail called out for me. I inclined towards her, still discerning if she was real or not. "They're ready for you."

I had been stuck in this holding room for a week, trying to find out the difference between what is true and what is false. I was isolated. Nobody, not even Dr. Carter came to visit me. Everyone I knew was either dead or part of the simulation.

I turned towards the girl and nodded. She slipped out the door and shut it, giving me another moment of definite silence.

They're ready for you.

I'm ready to face them too.

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