Ch. 13: Third Time's The Charm

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    FYI: idk anything about the justice system dealings with custody battles. What I'm writing about is how I imagine it could go. If you think it's not right and you know for sure, feel free to send me in detail, how it works. Do not just say, "that's not how it goes."

         It had been a month or so since James, Royce and I got served custody papers from Jemma out of the blue. With that being said, I wished I could say things have been great, but then that would be a lie. The truth is, although I've tried to keep my calm and a cool head to be able to deal with this issue, I found myself most of the time unable to do so.

         Although James kept promising that things will be alright and even hired one of New York City's greatest family Lawyer, there was still this feeling residing in me that told me that nothing was ever certain.

        Custody battles were a gray area for me since I've never had to go through anything like that. We were basically all going into this blind.

         Royce kept trying to reassure me that there was no way a judge would look at Jemma and decide to give her Sebastian, but when I asked how he could be a hundred percent sure of it, he couldn't answer. Things like that, Royce and Jame's inability to be prove to me that Jemma had no chances to have my son or even have visitation rights. I didn't want her anywhere near Sebastian or my family, and if I had to fight with everything I had, then I would.

         By the time the first court appearance took place, I was a big ball of nerves who wasn't supposed say anything while the lawyers hashed it up in front of the judge, but who couldn't keep her mouth shut any longer while listening to the bullshit coming out of Jemma's lawyer's mouth. And so as expected after many warnings, the judge told me to step outside for a minute and try to calm myself down. James followed me outside.

        "Is she kidding me? James is fucking kidding me? Us, not being good parents?" I scoffed, pacing back and forth briskly. "Where the fuck does she get to say that? We are great fucking parents, the goddamn bests." I kept going from one end of the hallway to the other with lightening fast speed.

         "Babe, I understand that you're frustrated but you have to calm down." James said, standing by the door he had walked out of to follow behind me, his back leaning on the wall with hands in his pockets.

        "I can't calm down, what I want to do is beat her over the head with a goddamn bench to make sure she doesn't ever get up again. I'm a great mother. Has she seen Sebastian? He's happy and smart and witty and balanced and I did that. Not her. Me. So for her to come here and say that we are not good parents to this kid..." I was pulled into a hug by James  before I could even finish what I had to say.

        I hadn't even realized I was shaking until he pulled me into him. "Shhhhh. It's okay, baby. It's okay." James whispered in my ear while he held on to me tightly which is when I felt the first tear fall from my eyes.


        By the time James and I got home, I was exausted but mostly mentally. The whole day drained me of whatever life source I had, but I knew not to keep that defeated face, not when there was a little boy waiting for me with the biggest smile I had ever seen. He made everything worth it for me. And for a second, I knew why Jemma wanted to experience that immense feeling when that smile was directed at you.

         Sebastian was playing in the living room with his nanny when James and I walked into our home. The second he saw me, he ran towards me with a plane made out of legos and gave me the biggest hug. James walked past us and ruffled Sebastian's hair on his way to what I would assume was either the kitchen  or the living room to free Betsy, the nanny so she could get home. Bastian laughed his little heart out.

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