Chapter 81: Alexander

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Chapter 81: Alexander

In Kladis' moment of crisis, a voice boomed as though it was a thunder that clapped from a far distant land and only reached their ears this time.

However, there were faint fluctuations that begun to spread from that distant city where a desperate defense was currently happening.

It was indeed very faint... at first... but as that sound came and spread, Siva could hear that the voice did indeed came from the city.

It wasn't clear at first, but it only took a moment for the volume to rise and the words to build up until eventually, it was possible to make out what that voice had spoken.


"What?" Siva thought he misheard it.

It was only one word, but it can't even be considered as one.

"Nough?" Is it a musical note? He asked himself.

But his gaze was attracted to Kladis and that latter's expression was of surprise as well.

And before he could even add more curious ideas to his surprise, the rest of the jumbled words came onto their direction.

"–SEL OF...."



Sivas mind reeled.

The voice came from the city's direction, and as it went along that distance, bouncing off the sound medium, from wall to wall, until outside the city, through the plains, and to the forest that surrounded Alexandria... until their very location where he now held Kladis' head...

It caused the trees and the ground to shake, and he could feel that his own body... was actually, uncontrollably, trembling.

As the moment passed by, it wasn't only him who was hearing it right now. Apparently, everyone else; from the media's hired player-agents, to the spectators, to the animals, to the monsters, to the soldiers, and to the members of The Legion who watched anxiously back on their castle wall, all of them now heard that booming declaration.

It was as if something from the city... woke up!

Even as the forest seems to tremble, the sound still travelled through and swept across the far distant lands beyond the forest.

The sky appears to sway and in a brink of collapse as the beasts that filled the lands began to roar as if to celebrate an advent.

Everything shook in an astonishing fashion as the sound of that voice and its full intent seem to get closer and closer, its message becoming clearer and clearer by each moment that passed.

By the time it could be heard somewhat more clearly, the sound... or rather, the rest of the words... had actually changed!

What Siva now heard sounded more like a mutter of some sorts, "ves... of si... enou!"


"OF SI..."


Just now, it almost didn't sound like a sentence but he was sure as hell that it was some form of words.

The wind seems to scream as it accompanied the arrival of these next set of words.

It passed through the thickness of the trees and through the cover of the tall grasses, the roaring monsters were hen blanketed and the thundering echo of the sound became louder and louder... closer... louder... clearer... until it shook the lands in Siva's immediate vicinity.

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