Chapter 107: Resplendent Guardian Sword

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WATCH OUT! There are crabs at the end of the chapter...!!!

Chapter 107: Resplendent Guardian Sword




First he was student.

Then he was the son of the most influential couple of the century.

After that, he was the son of the hated couple that was dubbed as to have brought forth the age of mind-manipulating technology.

Shortly then, he was a big brother who should have lived his days taking care of his baby brother, giving him advices on how to grow up a strong man.

But then the accident came and they became orphans.

He then became a pawn on a chessboard of a game that's too large for him to fathom.

And not long after that... he became a gamer.

While he was so, he became the most famous player that has a connection to that game's Grand Quest, prompting the world to hunt him down to either steal or collaborate for this quest.

And now... he learned that this game wasn't just a game at its core and that there was a secret in this game that, despite him not actually recalling this secret's meaning and significance, could still send his mind reeling at the severity of it.

One word could explain this world's [secret] and it was this word alone that has both become an unfathomably confusing prospective idea, as it is a frighteningly massive notion in both its fundamental and literal meaning that challenges his view of life.

That one word is:








The secret that Janus kept from being discovered by the world outside this world, and the very core secret that served the very purpose of the how and the why of the creation of this world... this one word that suddenly erupted on Siva's mind...

.....was just too shocking of an epiphany.

And yet, with the fragments of the memories he was able to digest so far, that notion itself has just been the largest element that gave him the pressure he was feeling right now.

Suddenly, like an explosion of emotion in his chest, he recalled that 'feeling' he got earlier when he looked at the Southeastern direction of the horizon.

And then, like a bolt of lightning, he felt that that one word that came from his mouth earlier is the most significant word that could spell failure and disappointment of the purpose of why Janus had sacrificed his life.

"The secret is in Chronos!" Siva understood. "I have to protect that secret... it was what I have been holding on so far and it was all that I've been keeping safe all this time..."

For some reason, clearer memories of what had happened 56 years ago came crashing into his mind and these memories brought forth tears on his eyes that couldn't stop running.

Seeing his tears, Sefirah felt that her mood has been ruined and she backed off to sit on top of him with a deep frown of disgust on her face.

"What this?!" She couldn't believe it. "You, a God, an almighty existence crying like a baby?"

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