Chapter 104: One Winged Angel

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Video: Guys, I inserted a video for this chapter and within the chapter, there is also a prompt when to start listening to the video's music in the chapter. I really suggest you watch/ load this video in advance before reading the chapter on the first instance you get a chance because it will improve your reading pleasure.

One thing why: 
You will feel this chapter much, MUCH better.

Also, take this from me: 01:11 will make your goose hairs rise in a godly fashion! I "listened" to this video while writing this chapter over and over and it always sends me the awesome leaping heartrate from my toe nail to my spine!

I love the score. Nobuo Uematsu is a real genius!

This is my tribute to my young teen hero game that sparked all of my imagination in the Fantasy-Gaming genre of writing. And for those who are familiar with this, if you haven't known, there is a remake scheduled to be released next year.

I'm getting all nostalgic just thinking about it.

I got the three-disc FF7 game from the gift money I got on the Christmas of 2001 and although it's been four years since its release, it's only been 2 years here in the Phil at the time. When I learned of the scheduled release of the 3-year planned release-date of the FF7: REMAKE, i was motivated to write a tribute character so here you go.

Enjoy the chapter.

Oh... and please read the notes on the end.

VOTE and COMMENT if you can.


Chapter 104: One Winged Angel




"Wait... this type of corruption, something is weird about it. Mefisto is the calculating and sinister type so he would never let his appearance be merely just for me earlier. I felled him easily today but if my impression of him being insidious is not wrong, then considering his hatred for me..."

As his thoughts travelled in this direction, he just became more wary of her.

There was a nagging thought in his mind.

"Could he be..."

There was a familiar impression of something very sinister about this situation. In Siva's mind, he recalled a few unfamiliar faces, unfamiliar events, unfamiliar places... and then for some reason, he suddenly recalled that mysteriously familiar yet unfamiliar girl, Samantha.

"Why did I think of her just now? Why does it feel painful when I recall of her?"

Because of this odd familiar feeling, Siva recalled that moment back in that tiny hidden village north of Dragona.

He saw her die... and that single moment made him recall a vision about Terra.

"Why did she remind of Terra? Who is Terra?"

That name... that person, despite its unfamiliarity, felt closely familiar to him.

And even more, it felt that she was family to him.

It felt that it has all and every bit of things to do with this current situation.

"Following this [impression]'s nagging thought, then there really is something wrong with this kind of transformation."

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