4 - The Ride

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Andrew's perspective.

"No I told you, Mama and Tato – yeah exactly, then why are you arguing with me, Tia?! You have to come home-"

A nervous pit of butterflies' flutter around my stomach as I hear those words you have to come home. I release a shaky breath and listen to Andre and Tia talking on the phone, I grip on the staring wheel trying my very hardest to maintain my concentration on the road and the scenery in front of me but every time I do, my eyes always seem to spear a glance at Andre and his angry fist as he argues with his sister. 

I try to mind my business and so dose Ray, but it is impossible. I hear Tia's fait muffled shouting and I can't help but tug a smile on my lips she still sounds and is the same, loud and demanding. I could never take her seriously when she is yelling it was as if a kitten was trying to roar.

"-No Tia. I don't care." I gulp and my grip tightens around the wheel, twenty minutes of this car ride and still Andre has not learnt that Tia always got her way. I learnt that in the two seconds when she first pinned me to the wall; I shake my head and try to relax not only myself but Andrew Jnr as well.

 A hand clasped around around my shoulder making me jump in my seat, I turn my head around to see Ray pulls himself up with the help of my shoulder, he laughs as if he knew what was going through my mind. "Relax Drew"

"I'm trying"

"I think that your girl is coming back" he says again with a smirk plastered on his face, I shrug of his hand and let out an agitated sigh. "Not helping, man"

"Look-" Both Ray and I look towards Andre as rubs his temples in frustration as the phone is clasped to his ear. Judging by his actions he does not look happy at all. 

"-Mama and Tato are moving away and they want to see you before they leave, the girls miss you, the dog misses you and I'm sure as hell that Andr-" I slap his mouth closed before he can utter a word, he glares at me as Ray tries his hardest not to burst out laughing. Andre swats my hand away and flips me off I only mirror his action. He knows better than to call me out like that; he has known for two years; he can shut up now.

"--I meant to say Andre misses you. I miss my twin, is that so hard to believe?! I want you to come home! I miss you Tia" Andre yells in frustration, his voice booms the car and Ray and I stiffen; we haven't seen him like this since high school when it was our championship for our soccer game. I can hear Tia on the other line, she is silent but I can almost see the tears forming in her eyes I shoot a glare and slap his arm, Andre shakes his head and slaps me back.

"-Fine, whatever. If you don't want to see your family, that's fine. I wouldn't expect you to care, you've always been so stubborn and you never fucking listen" I hit him again only this time he hung up on Tia and slams his phone on the seat and snaps his head towards us.

"What?! Tia won't come home! She won't listen" he said angrily.

"What?! What happened!" Jarred yells as he jumps up from his sleep; Andre shakes his head and rubs his face with frustration. "My sister won't come home" we are all silent for a moment I on the hand, am completely flipping my shit at Andre for yelling at my gir- Tia like that.

"You can't say that to her you, asshole!"

"She won't come home when we need her the most!" He yells.

"Well you can't expect that she would come in a click, she's got classes and a job to worry about" I say hiding the fact that I'm angry that Tia won't come home.

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