39 - Fight for You

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Part I

Andrew's perspective.

I screamed on the top of my lungs hitting the steering wheel, and as hard as I can my foot stomped onto the accelerator making the car zoom; I felt myself jerk back and the exhaust from the outside bang. Swerving left and right I felt and heard Andre and Ray do everything they can to calm me down but the sympathy and pitty only made me angrier.

I remember telling myself that if this day was ever to come, I would be prepared, I would be five steps ahead already with a plan of attack, I would be ready to kill anyone that dared to threaten me or Tiana. But now like my nightmare, the darkness had ripped me away from the one person I love. Now lost within paranoia and fell behind all because I wasn't prepared or ready.

I frantically shake my head and grip on to the steering wheel tighter, making the tears in my eyes disappear. Visions flashed before me and I heard her voice in the back of my head crying not to let her go, as another voice laughs and hits me across the head with a bat.
"I'm not letting her go!" I yelled.

"Andrew please," Andre spoke. I snapped towards him seeing his emotions dread, how can I be so selfish, I have not only managed to jeopardise Tiana's safety but her family as well. "I'm so sorry Andre. I'm so sorry that I put her through this." I sniffed.

"None of this is your fault, Andrew, we all knew this day was coming. But we are in this together" Andre spoke sternly.

Ray put a hand on my shoulder. "We are family Andrew," I couldn't bear it anymore, so I shook off his hand. Drifting into the familiar neighbourhood pulling up by the curb and sterned at the boys.

"And because we are family, you'd let me do this alone. If something were to happen to you both, I would never forgive myself."

"No," Andre shouted, "you can't do this alone!"

I puff out an angry breath. "I can't lose you too, Andre! You and Ray are the only family I got and you need to protect your own!"

"We are coming with you," Ray yelled.

I was losing time and my patients so I pulled out my gun, pointing it right to his head. Camly but yet so dangerous I said the most dreadful things.

"Get out of the fucking car, or I swear to God I will kill you myself."

Both Andre and Ray eyes widen in such surprise, pure worry washed over them both and neither of them dared to speak or move. Never have I ever thought about drawing a gun to my best friend's head, none of this was even close to horseplay and they both knew I was dead serious.
"Get out now," I snarled. With a final glare, Andre opened the door and stepped out along with Ray following. Without another word, I waited until they slammed the door and then drove away. 


I had to make sure to remind myself that this was another mission, another reason why I shouldn't be so anxious to start; after all this was part of my training. But it wasn't a mission, it wasn't just something part of my training this was Tiana's life in my hands. I couldn't let her die and what will I ever do if she did. 

All memories had come back flooding from three years go, all I could picture is Tiana tied down with a gun to her head. I remember being so determined to save her life, I didn't think about the possibilities of me being on the ground unconscious I was so angry at myself for failing so angry that she had risked her life for mine. I didn't have the chance to be the hero but in the end, it was her that saved my life, at the end she was my hero.

This was going to be different, I was going to be smarter, faster, stronger and most definitely wiser with my choices. This was all the reasons to do this as if my body just sent an invitation of strong adrenaline. I took a breath and tightened my bulletproof vest, I adjust and reloaded my guns hiding them within my gun vest and zipped it tight around my chest making sure it won't slip and hid a pocket knife in my boot.

Everyone in there will be dead.

I took a breath gulping down my emotions and zipped out of the car with a gun gripped within my palm. It was dark and gloomy now, the stars and moon where hidden by the clouds and all I can see were the silhouettes of the abandoned factory buildings around me. The ground crunched from the broken gravel and broken glass, as the water droplets fell from the smelly water pipes and broken roof above me. The deeper I went the colder and darker it became, checking the surroundings I looked around carefully and quietly aiming my gun at any signs of movement and sound.

It was quite, all too quite. 

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