29 - Hidden Secrets

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A chapter dedicated to Leyna_xox

Thank you for the endless motivation and support  


Andrew's perspective

Ray handed the flip phone to Andre as I shoved the USB stick into my back jean pocket. "So, what now?" asked Andre as he shut the phone. Ray cleared his throat and picked up his beer that was sitting beside him. "Well now that we have a copy of all the data off the phone, we just need to go through it. As long as we have the USB it can be done at any time"

Andre nodded his head "and you put in the tracker, right?" and at that moment a beep had buzzed on all our phones, I pulled it out seeing a small map with four bright colored dots with our current location.

"That should be it" Ray shrugged knowingly. I chuckled patting his back "what would we ever do without you" Ray laughed standing to his feet, this whole time I knew that he had been trying to catch Liv's eye as she was talking with Diana and Tia. Was this a silent save as a way to get out of the conversation? It was.

Liv took a glace in our direction capturing Ray's eyes and smiled. "Nothing obviously, now if you would excuse me I have to dance with my girl." I couldn't help but chuckle, she placed a hand on her hip eyeing him up and down, now this was something that Tiana and I could work on. We use to be able to share this kind of connection and not to be dramatic, but it was never our language to understand.

"Don't lose the USB" Ray warned before he wooshed away. I scoffed patting my ass in his direction, Andre laughed shaking his head knocking me to the side. I let out a puff, double checking on the USB in my back pocket "So now what?"

Andre took a tug at his beer, "my sister is looking at you?"

I raised my eyebrows at him "She is?"

He nodded quickly "yeah, she's taking glances. Oh she looked away now, she's looking"

My head twitched to look at her but I only prevented myself because knowing Tiana I knew she was looking in the right way, I loved the way she looked at me. "Is Nikola with her?"

Andre took a glance at Tiana "No." I smiled wickedly having a plan in mind thinking of all the possible ways I can wrap her around my finger. Andre studied me for a moment "Hey, don't do anything stupid."

"Don't worry" I grinned, I pointed at myself as I began to walk backward, "I got this."  I gave him a knowing wink as he rolled his eyes at me, thinking about it now, after all these years I have finally got Andre to get used to the idea that I'll never give up on his beloved sister.

Tiana was drunk it wasn't hard to see it from across the room, I didn't like it and nor have I ever so buzzed in my life. Unless Nikola had put something in her drink, but then again I haven't seen him all night since we snatched his phone. She was laughing and giggling as the girls danced and teased her and I cringed as they encouraged Tiana to take another shot.

Quickly I walked towards her passing through the crowd. Wrapping one arm around her waist I pulled her close to my chest as I snatched the other drink away from her hand holding it up and away from her. "Hey!" Tiana whined following the glass, she fell into some sort of awe, but quickly became her angry drunk self.

Tiana bounced onto her toes and reached for the glass above my head but her hight was unable to reach, "That's mine!" Tiana cried, the girls laughed throwing their heads back and I scowled at them shaking my head like a disapproved parent, they fell silent leaving with their tray of shots.

"Andrew give it back!" she jumped and tugged on my arm, and like a child, an annoyed groan escaped out of her lips, I let out a tisk, "Come on baby, you've had enough."

Her eyebrows crinkled in anger and she pushed herself away from me slightly stumbling back. "And Who are you to come back into my life and tell me what to do?"

"I'm your night in shining armor" I smirked, reliving a memory. Tiana started up at me as if she was processing the words in her mind, I could see that she was holding back a smile but really she scoffed out a laugh in disbelief. "You were my night in shining armor." she eyed me crossing her arms over her chest, "now you are just another asshole in my book"

Ouch. Frustration had sparked a flam as the anger boiled within me I rolled my eyes pinching the bridge of my nose, the shot glass was still gripped within my fingertips and so I swallowed down the powerful liquid, "Asshole huh?"

Tiana hummed knowingly smoothing her tight black dress; "you have no right to come back to my life and tell what to do, especially when I want to have fun with my friends!" She had nothing at all smart to say, her eyes fuming with fire "Especially with my Boyfriend."

I let out a breath of anger looking up to the dimmed roof, and ever so quickly I pinned her up against the tall bar table behind her, she gasped in fright and surprise. Gently I placed the shot glass on the table hearing a clank. Tiana gulped as I gazed into her eyes, I shook my head creasing her jawline with my thumb.

"What boyfriend? - " I cupped her chine a little harsher than I intended to, instantly I loosened my grip tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear. "You've already had one that tried to kill you and I put a knife in his leg torturing out the truth to find a lead on your current boyfriend. Because I don't trust him, I know something isn't right."

God, I was too angry to stop now.

"Don't" Tiana sniffed.

"Where is he now Tiana? I haven't seen you with him all night, haven't seen him touch you, kiss you or even look at you the way I do and believe me, baby, if I see him do so, that asshole. Will get a bullet to his head "

Her eyes watered, where took a breath gripping onto her hips pulling her close possessively and protectively to my body. "Now, what kind of an asshole ex-boyfriend will kill for you baby?"

Cupping her chin she was quivering in fear. I made her look up at me making her see a pure oath I've been dying to tell her and a tear slid down her cheek. But all at the same time I was hypnotized by those pink plump lips, it was so hard to resist that I find myself gently running my thumb over them as I inched closer.

"No one Tiana." I only kissed her softly, I felt her sigh and grip onto my shirt as I pulled away, "- Because no one will ever love you as I do."

Gently I took her hand in mine, "Now let me take you home before this hidden secret finds it was out." 

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