11 - Hearing Things

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Andrew's Perspective.

"Who's out there?"

I know that there was someone or something out there, I had a very suspicious feeling about it because I think I saw a shadow in the bushes; I noticed it was too quite around the area for my liking, but then again it was twelve o'clock at night. It might have been my imagination or my paranoia ever since what has happened with Alexander, but it's better to be safe than sorry. I pulled out my pocket knife and kept it hidden behind me as I searched the porch and front yard just in case; there was a tussle in the bushes and snap my head towards it gripping on to my knife as I reach closer.

"Andrew! Close the door, the heater is on" Andre shouts. I take step away from the bushes tucking my pocket knife away. I bend down and pick up the packet of chips off the ground; taking another glance at the landscape I noticed a black Camaro down the street I furrow my eyebrows and decided to inspect it. "Andrew!" Andre yelled again. It's nothing. Turning away back inside closing the door behind me, there was a dramatic change about walking back into this house, everyday it is the same; greet the boys, have a beer, play on the play -station and talk.

But could help the suspicious feeling in the pit of my stomach, something wasn't right, it doesn't feel right. Tia isn't here that's why.

Right, that's what it was. I remember back when we were in high school I was excited to come over to Andre's house because I knew the main person was going to be here and it was worth coming too. It was always worth seeing Tia. I remember whenever I walked through the door her eyes lit into happiness and she'd wrap her arms around me. God, I will give anything to see her happiness again. Now every time I walk through the door I' am expecting something that won't happen, every time I walk though this door it is constant reminder of when Tia and I spent together, but now it it is nothing without her.

"What wrong with you man?" Ray asked as he slapped my shoulder as he walked into the living room, I shake my head mumbling a nothing and follow him to the couch. I pull out my phone opening up the GPS app searching for Alex; thankfully he is still home. Exhaling a puff of relief, I relax my body on the couch and sip on my beer enjoying the moment now. I pick up the controller focusing on the game, but really my mind was plotting a plan of attack in case of something happened.

"Who was at the door anyways?" Andre asked.

I shake my head and shrug "No one, but something doesn't feel right"

"Must have been the wind" Ray said with a chuckle. I laugh unable to help myself and slap his head but then become serious shaking my head. "Really. I saw a Camaro parked a few houses down"

Andre and Ray snap their heads towards me. "Where did you park?"

"Right in front of the house, and the other is down the street. But I'm properly seeing things" I ramble shaking my head. "It's nothing" Ray and Andre both look at each other in alarm, Andre turns off the tv and heads out the front door.

"Did Alex make a move yet?" Ray asked as he looked out the window. "N-"

"There's no one out there" Andre yelled. He struts back in to the room with his phone in his hand. "No don't call Tia, Alexander hasn't moved" I interrupted. Andre took a breath in relief "she's going to be okay, until she gets home" I reassure him. My heart hammered against my chest not knowing whether or not I should keep this promise, my mouth opens to say to call her but a part of me knew that Alex wouldn't dare to touch her especially now.

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