13 - Family Reunion

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Tia's perspective:

"Do you need me to knock for you again?" Nickola asked smirking. I shoot him a challenging look and knock on the door with such force and determination, Nickola raised his eyebrows and put up his hand in surrender stepping back as if he were blown away. I smirk at him with such confidence and shrug carelessly, Nickola laughed and stood next to me when suddenly the door swatted open reviling my mother with wide eyes and a massive grin on her face.

Her lips parted with surprise and so does mine, her blue eyes glittered with sudden tears pricking in them and instantly a tear rolls down my cheek as I look at her up and down as if I'm seeing her for the very first time in my life. Nothing and I mean nothing about my mother has even changed, I'm so surprised to see her so healthy, still so happy and so god danm beautiful. I chuckle as tears roll down my cheek, Mama does the same. I remember when I was little I was so excited to see Mama and Tato (dad) back from their business trip that I would jump up and down in excitement.

Now I do it again, this time I jump to the moon and back. I jump up and down flinging my arms around my mother. "Sonce moje!" (my sunshine) Mama cries, I realise a sob and squeeze her tighter where she only mirrors my actions "I miss you so much" I cry. Mama laughed and pulled away taking a look at me she pulls away and takes hold my hands looking me up and down with amazement. "Lele kolku si porasnata!"
(Look how grown up you are) She says breathlessly.

I chuckle looking behind me to see Nickola with a warming smile. I laugh softly pulling away from my mother's grip and take Nickola's hand pulling him inside. "Mama, this is my boyfriend, Nickola. Nickola this is my mum Maya" I smiled up at him to see his eyes wide and a parted mouth, he blinks a few times and shakes his head shifting his attention to Mama.  "It's nice to meet you Ma'am"

Mama was about to say something when I see Tato and Andre coming in from the back yard; I shirk with joy and they both snap their heads towards us and both of their eyes widen, Andre was the first to react he ran towards me and I did the same suddenly we were both on the floor in each other's embrace; "I fucking missed you!" Andre says. I hug him tight and laugh in his chest as the tears streamed down my cheeks "I missed you too dickhead"

After two years I' am reunited with my twin; since we have been kids we have been inseparable, so glued together that it took bribing to separate us apart. In our life time we have been each other's shining reflection but these past two years it feels like my mirror has become old and rusty, slowly cracking to a million pieces. Seeing Andre now only cleaned and put my pieces together having my twin back in my life is like someone filling a hole in my heart.

He chuckled and ruffled my short hair and stood up from the ground, he helped me up and then I saw Tato, and my eyes widen; his short black hair almost turned to snow as his eyes showed tiredness and dark circles. But when he smiled he lit up like a flickering light bulb, he spread his big arms and pulled me into a bone crushing hug almost taking the breath out of me.  

"I'm so glad you are safe" I chuckle and wrap my arms around him.  "I've always been safe Tato" he sighs deeply and pulls away eyeing me with a smile then his eyes flicker to Mama who is standing with Nickola I smile and stand next to Nickola taking his hand in mine.

"Everyone. This is my boyfriend Nickola" Nickola looks towards me again and I smile at him he eyes me a question and stand on my toes and kiss his cheek. "A chance" I whisper, Nickola smiles widely and turns to my family standing straight, confident and presentable.

"Hello I'm Nickola Anderson, I'm sorry that I showed up like this but Tia begged me to come and- "

"That's alright boy, come inside" Tato said with a smile as he gestured to the living room; I nod my head in reassurance to follow my dad to the living room. Tato is suddenly so welcoming to Nickola, it only made me wonder why he wasn't so protective of me this time. I remember when I introduced Andrew as my boyfriend he went ballistic, he went off his head. I watch as my parents talk to him with a smiles upon their faces, and Tato clasp his shoulder and suddenly nod his head saying something to Nickola which only made him chuckle.

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