17 - Play the Game

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Andrew's perspective 

I smile ear to ear feeling so much happiness from my head to the bottom of my toes knowing my girl is finally home safe and sound, after many restless nights and terrible mornings I can finally rest easy knowing my girl is safely home and tucked away safely in her bed with her family inside. I sigh and rest my head back and rubbing my face with a chuckle unable to hold my happiness.

I got to see her again, I got to hold her in my arms and feel her breathing, to actually look at her after two whole years and God she is more beautiful in person. I watched as Tia laughed and smiled, talk and murmur things under her breath as we sat on the table; and I was dazed as if it was the first time I have ever seen her. I could not believe that it has been this long since I've seen her so happy. I just missed her, I missed her so much and now that I have her back, my life has fallen into place.

But then I see her with Nickola and everything the goes to shit.

I look out the window with anger. Noticing that we have stopped in front of my family home, I get out and slam the door shut not caring if my parents or Maria notice that I' am angry; they expected it anyway, I saw the looks they shot me when Nickola was introduced. How can she come back with him when she knows I'm here waiting, how can she just invite him into our home, to our family?

I can't watch the person I love be with someone I already despise. It has been years since I have made her happy and I hate to see that she is already smiling and laughing with somebody else. I hate fucking knowing that I' am not that person anymore.

I turn the corner and angrily tsk at myself, kick the gravel beneath me angrily rip off a leave from the plumb tree; I stop in my tracks and look down at the leaf. Tia used to pick off the leafs from the tree, collecting them as we go and she always said to remember her as a leaf because she will fly right back to me. I groan in anger and punch the wall instantly scrapping my knuckles.

"Andrew!" Tato (dad) yells. "What the hell is wrong with you?!" he grabs my shoulder tugging me backwards, from hitting the wall again.

In anger I turn around and shrugged of his arm "nothing is wrong"

Jenny and Maria then come rushing towards us and I close my eyes in order to calm myself. Too late I was mad as a bull. "What's the matter Andrew?" Maria asked. I shook my head and pushed past her "Andrew!" Tato yelled. I ignored him and snatch my keys out of my pocket and jumped in the car speeding away to our favourite place.


Opening the door, the cold wind whipped my face and blew me back. 

Skipping a few rocks and cutting through the small forest I take a breath at the silence around me, all that could be heard was the susurration of leaves tussling by the gusty wind. I pass the small rose bush I pick of a few rose peddles and feel them between my finger tips where they made think of Tia.  

I let out an agitated sigh and climb over the cliff and  take a seat on the wooden bench. Looking up to the dark sky I see the small twinkle of stars peering behind the shadows of the dark leaves and just peeping from behind the grey clouds. They were calm and so hypnotising but the longer I stared only made me think about her and the unforgettable memories we shared.   

Suddenly there was a crack from behind me and a rustle in the bushes;  I turn my head and in habit my hand gripped on to my pistol as I observed the scenery but it was just too dark to see anything. 

I see a tall shadow move behind the tree and I  jump  grabbing my pistol and aim at it. 

"Hold your fire, It's me" Andre yelled, putting his arms in the air. 

I sigh with relief, I shook my head hiding my gun back on my hip and look out in the distance "Don't sneak up on me like that!"

"Sorry" he chuckled; taking a seat next to me. I shift my head toward him and raise an eyebrow "what are doing here?"

"Maria called" 

I let out a annoyed sigh and shake my head. Andre sit next to me with his arms crossed and eyeing me with question waiting on an explanation.  I open my mouth to say something and all that come is another hopeless sigh. I close my eyes and pinch the bridge of my nose, and tell him the whole story from when Tia and I broke up, when she came home, to the situation with Nickola and to this very moment. Andre sit speechless with a gapped mouth he looks out to the distance a realises a restless puff of breath.

 "I know" I commented.

"What the fuck" Is all he says. I nod and rub my face with annoyance.

"You guys where so – so "

"In love" Ray finish his sentence, Andre and I both turn around in alarm as Ray shook his head taking his place with us. "Who the hell is that guy anyway?" 

"I don't know, but I don't trust him" Andre said, he crossed his arms over his chest and shook his head and I do the same. An uncomfortable feeling twisted in my stomach as if something wasn't right, as if I knew something big and dangerous was going to happen. 

"What do we know?" I asked

"Well, nothing. Because his got no record of anything. His a ghost" Ray said taking a glance in my direction, I nod my head stiffly. Paranoia took over my body and I pull out my phone checking if Alex has made a move, thankfully he was only roaming around his cell.  A shaken breath of relief escaped my lips and I relaxed back on the bench.  

"I don't understand why you just win her back Andrew!" Andre threw his hand in the air. I look towards him. "What?"

"Win her back dick" Ray exclaimed with a achieving tone. "-It's perfect!  it's obverse that Tia is still in love with you and all you need to do is show her what she has been missing and how you two use to be"

My eyes widen and my lips parted, what if I do try to win her back? I can still show her what she has been missing and how we use to be, what we use to do, how we use to be happy together. My heart hammered against my chest as the adrenaline pumped through my body, this is perfect. 

"Play the game" Andre said. My head snaps towards him and he nodded. 

"She's going to play along" 

I stand up and lit up the happiest smile as I face Andre, he grinned and stood up clasping my shoulder Ray chuckled and clapped his hands and despised in the darkness. I threw my hands behind my head and nod in approval.  

"Play the game" 

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