31 - For You

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I have lost count to the number of times I have woken up with a splitting headache and a horrible stomach ache, let's not mention the dry tasteless flavour on my tongue.

This was depressing, depressing because I needed a drink to have fun, a drink to forget and worst of them all a drink to have the confidence to face the man I love and hate, maybe even a drink just to make me think that I was drunk.

I giggled moving about in the bed feeling the softness of the sheets on my bare legs.

Was I even wearing a dress at the club?

Yeah, I was. Was I?

I hummed with a sigh, bury my head into the pillow when suddenly an arm wrapped right around my waist my eyes snapped opened and I shoot up looking around. 

My eyes bulged and just like that, I was wide awake and in panic. There before I, is A Big wide room, giant bed, giant naked look-out windows were you can almost see the whole city, it was nothing like I've ever seen before.

Oh my God.

My dress has been replaced with a black v-neck tee shirt,  thankfully my bra and underwear are securely in place, regardless I snatched the covers off from the other side of the bed wrapping around me as if it was a shield.

Where am I? What, the fuck happened?

I looked around in panic it was Andrew's things that I was surrounded in, his clothes, his pictures, and his aesthetic all spread out with beautiful man smell of his.

I sighed with somewhat relief feeling myself leaning back onto the bedhead with the bed sheet onto my nose.

Well, at least it wasn't some old phyco old man.

I sighed once again looking around, But only now do I realize Andrew was half naked sleeping right beside me.

Mostly within reflex, I gasped and jumped out and off the bed with the covers still around me. I landed on the ground with a loud thud and I huffed with pain when I hit the back wall, quickly I shut myself up.

Andrew slept on his stomach holding the pillow under his head sleeping peacefully never moving a single muscle. I didn't know whether to swoon or hit him in the face; I mean the guy had kidnapped me and literally put me to bed.

My eyes caught on my outfit neatly cleaned and hung onto a hook onto the wardrobe door with a  note and lavender rose too. At this, I had to smile.  It was as if I was reliving a day in my life.

I snarled at his gesture and at him too. How dare he?!

Regardless I was lost and captivated by the note and crawled over to it snatching it off the hook, reading it silently, feeling my cheeks redden.

He's always been so cliche. Once again I looked over at him. Still in the same position as I saw him last. He was shirtless with only his tracksuits hanging by his hip, I gulped feeling my stomach turn and my heart beat louder than ever. He was so much more toned, tall and ever so muscular, he was a changed man, he was someone new. 

My plan was to viciously wake him up, yell and scream in his face demanding why and how I got here, where the hell he got this kind of money for a place like this and most definitely how he changed me from my dress to a clean shirt.

But alternatively, I felt myself lean against the wall starstruck observing like I first did,  gushing him up and down as I bit my lip.

What the hell is wrong with me? This Asshole kidnapped me.

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