5 - Same. But Different

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Song above:
Halsey - Bad At Love

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Tia's Perspective

What did I just do. "Everything okay?" I quickly spin around towards Nick who is eyeing me with concern, I smile faintly then blush at the almost kiss. I shouldn't even be thinking about this now, I just agreed to my brother that I will be going home in six weeks; I just agreed that I will be going home to see the man I once loved, to the man I still love.

What have I done. I really need to think before I speak...

I mean what's there to think, I haven't been back home in two years. I want to go home. But a lot has changed in those two years, everything is different now. I'm different now. I no longer have long hair that touches the end of my back, I no longer have the blond ends that Andrew use to wrap around his fingers, I no longer play soccer like I use to. A lot has changed with in my life and it keeps changing every time I blink. When I left my biggest fear is that one day if I ever return, which that day will be in a month. I will have to face all of the new changes back home, all of the new secrets and personalities; I mean it so funny how one day you open your eyes and nothing changes and then the next when you look back everything is so different.

I wonder if Andrew is different. I wonder if he has changed. I was so used to seeing him every single day of my high school year and every time he comes to mind, I still picture him as the Bad Boy, the player. My long time cliché crush. My boyfriend....

"Tia?" Nickola says, snapping me out of my thought. I hum in response and pop my phone in the back pocket as quick as possible. I blink away the forming, visible tears and plaster on a smile, "Everything is fine" I gulp, Nick only tilts his head studying my every move, I stiffen at his at his intense stare and become very self–conscious at the way he is looking at me

Don't look at me like that. Look away.

He stood up from the wooden chair and I take a sharp breath as I watch his tall frame grow into his full height. Andrew did the same, but Nick isn't Andrew, Nick is different. This is one of the many changes I had somehow managed to get used to, I mean you would think I got use to it by now but I really haven't.

"What's the matter beautiful?"
No, don't be like Andrew. Not now. Not when I nee- wanting him the most. I shake my head and bite the inside of my cheek in order to prevent myself from letting any tears slip out. "Nothing"

"Come on I maybe an asshole. But I know that look." He takes a step forward with hands deep in his pockets and studies me. All I can see is Andrew with wide arms as if he was about to comfort me. Just think, I will be seeing him in a month, I will be in his arms after two years; but only I won't. A tear slid down my cheek in both happiness and sadness.

"See, there is something wrong" Nick says, stepping closer.

"N-no. Really. I'm fine" I say stepping back there were tears streaming down my face and I try my best not to cry, but of course I fail.

Suddenly Nickola's two giant arms wrap around my body pulling me close to his chest I stiffen and try to pull away but my body is telling me differently.  "L-let me go" I cry, trying to convince myself that I do not need a hug from a stranger; but sadly I'm somehow enjoying this hug.

Nick pulls me closer and gently runs his hand up and down my back, my mind was screaming to pull away from Nick's hold but I really did not want to let go.

My arms wrapped around his waist and my head drops on his chest.

It was honestly all in habit. I couldn't back away because I missed these sort of hugs, instantly I relax feeling my body fall into a familiar state of humbleness, it is wrong of me to be using a guy I just met as if he was a blanket to hide under. I missed Andrew and now that I know I'm going to see him in a month only made me miss him more.

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