6 - Happy, Yet Nervous

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Song above:
Jaymes Young - Sugar Burns 

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Andrew's Perspective

Is it possible to be feeling this excited, have you ever felt this excitement before? I'm so happy right now no one can understand. Unless you are happy then you can understand this feeling. I don't remember being this happy since my mother and I first went to Macedonia, I was only sixteen having the time of my life, enjoying the freedom of flying on a airplane,  life and love of my family back home. 

"Guys?" I announce turning towards the group. Andre, Maria, Liv, Ray, Diana and Jarred all halt in their step and look at me as if they have discovered fire.

 Looking back, high school was one of the most miserable moments of my life, I didn't have a care in the world. I was never happy or had a real smile on my face, my mood was always so low and negative considering the fake popularity and thirsty people in school. People feared my frown, reckless behavior and my hooded brown eyes, but I never carded what they think; people just misjudge the whole cover and never bothered to get the real me. 

Suddenly a miracle happened, I saw a girl on top of a table with a smirk upon her gorgeous face; a spark of happiness lit inside of me and from that day on I knew that my happiness was right in front of me. I kissed her lips and the games had began. It was the happiest year of my life. People noticed my sudden change; they started smiling and talking to me as if I'm going to talk back.
I don't think so. I only smile to the one that never feared me, that never judged me for who I' am, the one made me smile in the first place. 

Tia, the happiness to my life. You know what they say; Asshole to the world, sweet heart to his love. Now that I know my love is coming home, I can finally be happy again.

My girl is coming home; Tia is finely coming home after two years. I wonder if Tia is different. I wonder if she has changed. I was so used to seeing every single day with long hair and a confident, happy attitude, and whenever Tia would come I still picture her as my girl, my happiness. My long time cliché crush. My girlfriend.... I wonder after all these years if she truly still in love with me, I wonder if is happy. She moved on already, she is happy without you.

My heart raced at the thought and just thinking about another guy made me want to punch someone. Does she even want to see me? I feel my face pale and my heart beats against my chest with sudden nervousness. I take a deep breath and shake my head. Like it or not, Tia is going to see me; I want, no I need to see her.

"Andrew!" Ray said, snapping out of my thoughts. "W-what?"

"You were in mid-sentence then you zoned out, dumbass" Andre says nudging my shoulder. Tia use to call me dumbass and it was something that I would never get sick of hearing, now that someone else uses that word only irritates me.

"What I was going to say is, how long are we staying here for because I need to work and I have classes" I lie, I just want to go home and organize my life before Tia comes home. I need everything to be perfect when my girl comes home.

"Since when are you so serious about school" Liv asked. I feel like this question has been asked a lot lately; I'm not that careless of school. I shake my head and pick up a rock making it skip five times off the water. "I want to go home" I say, ignoring her question. The group laughed making me crack a smile; the lie is written all over my face as Tia would say.

"We just got here man" Jarred says, I look behind my shoulder to see him hug Diana from behind making her smile with a bright blush spread her cheeks. He has no idea how much Dina loves him and yet he sleeps around behind her shoulder. I shake my head at him showing the pure envy I have for him, what he has done to me and all the things he has Diana shouldn't be kept a secret. This guy is not to be trusted. He averts his gaze away from me and drops his head to Diana's neck.

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