9 - Set Him Straight

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Tia's Perspective

"I saw him again!" Andrea yells as she attacks me with a hug. I was taken back but luckily I managed to steady my fall and somehow wrap my arms around her. I laugh pulling away to see Bianca and Mimi shaking their heads. Soon Ivan joins the chatter with us girls I notice Mimi's cheeks brighten and a smile spread her cheeks. I form a knowing smile as they talk because once upon a time, I was the same.

"W-What?" I say snapping out of my daze, backing away from Andrea's snapping fingers.

"I was telling you something very exciting when you zoned out" she exclaims. I laugh and shake my head, I take her hand and pull her to sit next to me as the others soon join us. I missed this, I missed sitting with friends and getting together as we catch up on the latest gossip and easing into the big dramas. These are one of the things that I miss with Maria, Liv and Diana. Lucky for me I get to see them really soon.

"Okay, so what where you saying? Who did you see?"

"Well-" Andrea begins flicking her hair away, her cheeks turn bright red and I give her a teasing smirk, she rolls her eyes and shoves my shoulder making me laugh. "Remember about that guy I was telling you about. Well we have been seeing each other for three weeks now. I saw him today"

I gush as Bianca soon joins in. "Did she tell you about the guy she met?" Andrea slaps her arm and Bianca shuts her mouth closed. "He took me to an amazing restaurant last night and then we went dancing at a club. and -" I gush again and she shrugs.  "-if you came you would have seen what he looks like, he surprised me with this" She shows the golden charm necklace around her neck and I lean closer to look at it, my eyes widen and I place my hand to my heart.

"He promised me he won't ever leave or forget me"

"How long have you been going out?" I ask again. She fiddles with her necklace with a smile. "Three weeks and three days now" I nod.

"Are you finally going to tell us who he is or you going to keep him hidden in your pants?" Bianca says, making myself and Ivan laugh. Andrea glears at her and slaps her shoulder. "I was kidding"

We laugh but regardless Andrea pulls out her phone "lucky for the all of you, we took photos"

 Andrea grins showing her photos; she looks down at her phone and placed it in the centre of the table. Ivan, Bianca and I both jump out of our seats to grab the phone, but Bianca was quick to snatch it up "bitch" Ivan and I mutter, Bianca smirks flicking her short hair "thanks babes"
We laugh, huddling around Bianca. I gasp when I see the first picture "No way" I breath. Bianca pinches the screen and zooms up to Andrea and the boy's face where they are dancing. He has his arms wrapped around Andrea's waist as his head is dipped to her neck.

"This is the guy?" Bianca asks looking up at Andrea, she nods her head but her eyes well up with sudden worry. "Why, what's wrong?" Bianca eyes drift to mine and opens her mouth not knowing what to say. Bianca cleared her throat and slid to the next photo where it is just as worse; she shook her head and I look down at it walking away from the phone.

"I can't believe this!" I scream with anger rushing through my body.

I turn around and sit next to Andrea placing my hands on her shoulders "that my friend, is-was one of my friends since high school-" I notice Ivan stiffen and his eyes dart towards us; I pull my hands away and stand to my feet pacing up and down. "-Jarred Scott, is dating  my best friend Diana who is back home"

"What?" Andrea breaths I turn around to her blue eyes suddenly water "I'm the other women? H- His cheating on me?" I throw my hands in the air and stand from my seat. Not only is he cheating on Diana but on Andrea too, he probably has another girl lurking around.

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