21 - Talking

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——Chapter 20 - part 2Tia's perspective

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Chapter 20 - part 2
Tia's perspective

"I'm just saying that it would be good if you talk to him again, it wouldn't kill you Tia" Maria said defensively. Diana shot up her head and nodded "yeah,  just because you have Nick as your boyfriend, doesn't mean your are restrained from talking to your ex."

I rolled my eyes and shot a glare at Maria and Diana who are lecturing me about Andrew yet again for the fifth time of the day. For one they have no idea the amount of talking we have been doing let's not mention the part of  'talking' was all a big sexy 'let get back together and we'll be happy again'.  I have kept it a secret from them and I wasn't planning to tell them either.

Thinking about it now it had me on the edge of the cliff and I was about to jump and intoxicate myself with Andrew's love but I could let that happen, not when I'm trying to forget about him and the reason why we broke up in the first place; but knowing Andrew and seeing him so possessive he won't let that happen.It was only then I realised how much I missed his possession over me.

I shake my head and cover my face hiding the blush from the girls, I cover it up with an annoyed groan. "Guys. I don't want to talk about this anymore."

"I didn't miss that blush" Diana stated. I looked up meeting Maria and Diana with their arms both crossed across their chest and a blank expression. "- and you haven't blushed this much since you two first saw Andrew after two years. I didn't miss that either " She looked over my shoulder and grinned as if she saw someone she knew, I looked back but with my eye sight I saw no one. I shook my head looking anywhere but them and mutter a cuss under my breath as I pull out my wallet. Maria cleared her throat and I looked up annoyed.

"You know what?" I spit angrily, the girls look at me with a teasing smirk and raised their eyebrows mockingly and I tsked. " Wipe that smirk off your faces, what ever you have got planned it's not going to work because I'am already three- five steps ahead of you. I don't want to look at Andrew's ugly face let alone talk to him, okay. We have spoken long enough to see that neither of us hasn't changed at all."

"Five steps away huh?" Maria teased, I clenched my jaw and gave her and Diana a sassy smirk and got up from my chair throwing my money on the table and push out of the chair, but before I can leave I bumped so hard into someone where I stumbled back.

"But I haven't changed Babe"

I  gapped my mouth open as I looked up, Andrew smirked down at me as he placed his hands on my hips looking down at me with his cocky smirk, my body burned by his touch making me feel ridged as I once did.   "I'm still the man I use to be. Your man" he grinned. I looked up into his brown and I find myself melting at the sight of him, he smiled softly reviling his small dimples and I smiled to myself,
his small dimples always brought a smile to my face... I frowned quickly. I'm not going to do this to myself or Nickola. I blinked which reviled the small prick of tears.

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