19 - Breathless

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Tia's perspective.

Breathless. Breathless is all I could be right now. My eyes fell out of my sockets as I lean against the wall breathless watching Andrew turn away with the first smirk he ever gave me. The 'I know you like me' smirk, I remember this look back in high school when he first kissed me, when all the games all began. But in this situation is 'I know you Still love me' smirk.

I gulped feeling the hairs stick up on my arms and shiver spinelessly, and place my hands over my face and exhaled a shaky breath as I snuck down to the wall with the same stupid grin he left me two years ago.

I cannot believe the amount of breaths I have taken for Andrew, the amount of times I was left feeling hot and wanting more he still made me breathless. My hand reached to my neck still feeling the softness of his kisses zapping me with his proven love. Even after two years Andrew leaves me with the same stupid unwanted happiness.

I wanted him to do it again. And again and... I shook my head angrily for feeling so – so. helpless. He held such power, such confidence and with no hesitation once so ever to claim me once again. I could have pushed him away but he knew I wouldn't because Andrew knew how much I wanted him as much as he wanted me; I could have said no but that wasn't the answer he wanted to hear.  I could have kneed him and his desperate little junior but he will only take it as a sign of challenge.

We both know that Andrew Junior is not little. But instead I let him in again, I let his soft lips attack my neck as if he still possessed me and I let my body fall again.

How can I be so stupidly selfish, how dare I feel love for Andrew again!?

No. I cannot love Andrew again.  I should be loving Nick! How can I not love him? Nick is unbelievably handsome, sweet and so damn caring. His got it all. I never once thought that my love for Nickola will fade, but now that I'm here with Andrew I don't know whether I feel or have the same love as I did.

I 'am falling for my ex all over again.

I groan and stand on my legs only to stumble once again, I could faint but lucky I regained my balance with the support of the counter and regained my consciences with some coffee. Exhaling a breath I take the platter of cups of coffee and walk outside as if nothing has ever happened, as if the whole interaction with Andrew did not ever affect me. But it did.

I plaster on a smile as I hear faint chatter and laughter and step out noticing two different chairs in two different directions, with two completely different boys that I have found myself desperately fallen for. My eyes flickered to Nickola who was chatting with my mother and Maria about the different places we can visit as a chair is placed right beside him for me.

My eyes then flickered to Andrew where he sits backwards on the chair near the railing of the balcony looking up to the clouds as if he was lost in deep thought. There was another wooden chair placed beside him and I knew that chair was for me because Andrew knew I liked to look up too, because we both knew it was our thing to do.

What the fuck do I do now?!

I purse my lips and exhaled deeply and walked towards my family. "Here we are" I say, a little too cheerfully. Everyone cheered as I handed out each coffee with the tray, I started with Nickola and watched him reach for the cup, he flashed me a smile and winked. "Thanks beautiful"

He loves you. I smiled "your welcome" I smile and turn away making my to my mother I sent her a secret message so that she could sit down next to Nickola but she gave me a confused look

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