12 - A Chance

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Tia's Perspective

"Oh." Is all he said he bowed his head. I sigh and sit next to him. Nickola doesn't look or move away from me I reach to touch his shoulder but I pull away thinking he doesn't want me to talk or to comfort him.

"I wouldn't expect you to forgive me or even talk to me. I wouldn't even talk to me. I' am so sorry, I really hate myself for using you like this and thinking that I would get over him is really stupid and I hate that I have to use you like that because I really thought that you lik-"

Nickola was silent for a few moments with his head low; my heart aiced because I didn't know how to comfort him then to my surprised he laughed out loud and stood up from the bed catching me off guard he shook he shook his head and smiled as if nothing I said mattered; he took a hold of my shoulders and became eye level with me again he flashed me a smile but I saw the pain his eyes. His jaw was clenched and his grip around my shoulders was gentle as if he where careful not to drop a baby.

"It's okay beautiful" Again the utter pain and complete lie clouded his eyes, there is something he is not telling me and I can feel within his hold that he is hiding a secret. If he is trying to hide his feeling towards me, it is completely visible but there is something more. I cup his cheeks as well and he stiffened, I wanted to pull away but something inside was telling me to hold on, so I did.

"I'm so sorry Nikka." He closed his eyes and opened his mouth to say something and mumbled something under his breath but he said nothing. Suddenly his bright green eyes opened and I witnessed as they both darkened so suddenly. My breath hitched wanting to pull away but I was powerless within his gaze. "I can make you forget, beautiful. Just give me a chance" Nickola said softy, he inched closer so that our lips where about to touch, he pulled me closer so that I felt his warm breath fan my lips.

"Give me a chance to be yours" He kissed me softly, begging silently. I was powerless at his touch and his kisses, so I gave him my power and kissed him back 

"I'll keep you safe beautiful"


I wake up to sun beaming in through my window and I feel myself snuggled next to Nickola, the weight of his arm is wrapped protectively around my waist as his thumb made small circles on my skin and I sigh in delight sinking into his warmth I fell completely safe and protected when I' am in Nickola's arms. He gave me a light squeeze and pulled me closer when he found out I was awake. He kissed my neck and nuzzled my hair.

"Dobro utro beautiful" (Good morning)
Nickola croaks, I smile turning towards him meeting his green eyes he smiled at me as I brushed his black hair back, Nickola caught my hands and brings it towards his lip and placed a peck on my knuckles. It was all slow motion a comfortable humble feeling.

"Are you ready for tonight, did you call your parents?" he asked. I groan in annoyance at his question turning the away, he only laughed. Not long ago we laid together talking, getting things off our chest. Nickola has learnt that I 'am afraid of the new changes and differences in life, as well as the slight paranoia. Little by little Nickola has found little ways to help me get over myself and focused on something better, for instance him and thank God it is somehow helping.

"Oh come on bab-" I turn around once again and hover over him with a smirk plastered on my face feeling the giddiness suffocate my body. "Yes, I did. And yes we are going" I inch closer my eyes flickering to his lips; thanking God I had a mint secretly. "Shut up now and cuddle me" I order pecking his lips and falling back on to the bed.

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