20 - Playing

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Song above
Camila Cabello ft Young Thug - Havana

Previously on New Game. New Rules:

Nickola's footsteps came closer to the balcony and I gasped. Andrew tugged me to his chest and wrapped his arms around me holding on to me tight, I winced at his grip.

"I need you" he murmured. Andrew's eyes flicked to my lips and I bite them nervously, he shook his head

"-And I know that you need me as much as I need you"
- - -

Chapter 20 Part 1
Tia's Perspective.

"Breakfast is ready!" Mama shouted. I smile happily tying my hair up I into a quick pony tail and jog down the steps. I hear the soft melody of Leonard Cohen and the soft chatter of Nickola and my family from the kitchen, I continue my journey down the steps and smile widely when I smell Mama's traditional crèpes. It's as if I have stepped back in time reliving all the childhood memories with my family, only this time I'm sharing my childhood with someone new.

This day could not get any better.

The door bell suddenly went off making jump, I rush down the step to be the first to answer. Maria called and said that she might stop by after work, so I guess that the day is better.

"I got it" I shouted running towards the door. I don't bother to check or fix myself up so with a swift I wing the door open with a giant smile upon my face only to see Andrew and Ray standing with smiles plastered on their faces.

The eye contact remained with Andrew and I, neither of us dared to look away and I didn't miss how Ray looked between us as if he was waiting for someone to say or do something, Andrew suddenly squinted his eyes and tiled his head studying me. I feel my eyes widen as my heart clenched against my chest knowing what he might be thinking; then it hit me, the games that he promised...

Andrew formed a smirk at my sudden reaction and I again I feel my breath been taken away from the devil
. His standing right in front of you.

"Hey Tia" Ray said braking the eye contact. I shift my gaze towards him and smiled as he pulled me into a quick hug. Ray always knew how to lighten the mood and always put a smile on our faces I smiled. "What are guys doing here?" I asked a little breathlessly, this was mainly directed to Andrew but then again I know why his here, Ray shrugged and opened his mouth to say something when Andrew only cut him off.

"Your mother invited us" he said, with an innocent smile. I for one did not believe him judging by his sudden out burst and confident smile. I crossed my arms over my chest confidently mimicking his action and tilt my head eyeing Andrew up and down.

He smirked at me again noticing my uneasiness and I swallow a lump in my throat.  "Really?"

"Yes Baby" he smiled. My breath hitched and he smile grew and leaned against the door frame not removing his gaze. I shook my head getting rid of the blush.

Ray cleared his throat and clasped Andrew's shoulder pulling him back slightly and sushing him from saying anything more.

"Actually. Andre invited us we are going to the city"

I nod feeling a little hurt, the city is one of my favourite places in my home town. Andre knew how much I loved the city I don't understand why he didn't invite me; call me petty but that's rude. I forced a smile at the guys and stepped aside letting them in, Ray smiled and walked inside towards the kitchen whilst Andrew took his precious time. I notice his expression change as he walked in he studied me skeptically and I quickly occupied my self by turning away from Andrew and close the door in order to escape his stare.

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